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    What is really Abtract Art?

    Art is subjective- we all know it. But there are some abstract art pieces that are considered "art" yet they do not match the definition of Abstract Art. In addition, write about the characteristics of a "good" abstract art piece and a "bad" abstract art piece and how they relate to the definition of Abstract Art.

    • Can you provide some examples of Artwork that doesn't necessarily match the definition of Abstract? It may help define your point even more. Also, I agree with previous comments that the topic title isn't worded well enough to be clear. Perhaps: "Defining the Meaning of 'Abstract' in the Art World" – Megan Finsel 9 years ago

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    Interesting article! I have learned a lot from anime and manga about Japanese customs and it helped with my perspective of how Japan is like. I also have read a huge guidebook about Japan because I was interested and I wanted to know more about Japan- and it did taught me a lot about Japan!

    What the West Learned About Japanese Culture from Anime

    Love the review! I love this show and all the movies, AND the spin-off mangas! I am a huge fan of this series and consider it to be one of the best magical girl shows out there!

    The Madoka Legacy: A Brief Review of Puella Magi Madoka Magica

    I agree with the need for more developed female representations in Legend of Zelda, and I also do like the current female characters we have in Legend of Zelda because they still are my favorite characters. Although, I do hope that the next female characters in the next LOZ game will be more progressive because it will make the games better and more in depth than the previous games.

    The Legend of Zelda: Female Representation