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    The Dissipation of Working Class Families on Television

    In the former years of television, especially in the 1970's, there seemed to be a hoist of sitcoms and TV shows that revolved around working class families. Shows that focus on the working class like The Honeymooners, All in the Family, Sanford & Son, and Roseanne seem to have vanished in recent years. What does this say about modern culture and the kind of lifestyle it promotes? Does this create unrealistic expectations for families viewing at home?

    • I personally wouldn't say that the way certain families are depicted on sitcoms would set an "expectation," per se. Sitcoms may have changed over the years from focusing on working class families to more "updated" versions to most likely reflect on how certain aspects of society have changed over the years, such as gay marriage being legalized and that more people choose to remain single today. – enizzari 9 years ago
    • The 'typical' TV family seems to be stuck in kind of a weird place, where it's clear that the middle and working classes don't exist the way they used to , like in shows from the 70s - 90s, but at the same time there is a lot of resistance to depicting families that reflect the reality of today, with single parents, same-sex couples, blended families, etc. I should probably note that I'm coming at this from watching a lot of shows more geared towards tweens (my sister is a tween), and those shows seem to really stick to the ideal nuclear family setup. – chrischan 9 years ago
    • This is a rich topic. Our middle class is disappearing, so... – Tigey 9 years ago

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    Your article is really interesting. I knew George Miller was adamant about using real elements in the film, but I didn’t realize how much work he did to ensure that the real and CGI elements came together to create the right kind of atmosphere in the film.

    Mad Max: Practically CGI

    I loved your article! I am a huge Jane Eyre fan, but I never considered the role Jane’s choice plays in the novel, and I was intrigued by your perspective on it. I can see the way Jane’s freedom of choice is a large part of why the book resonates with feminists, myself included. Another aspect of the book I always see as pro-feminist is the way that Jane has a free discourse with Rochester, and the fact that at the end of the novel his disability, in a way, levels them; he has a need for her, which seems to make the power dynamics in their marriage more even.

    Analyzing Jane Eyre as a Contemporary "Bad Feminist"

    I think the involvement of the author can be very beneficial, and often helpful to creating a good adaptation. However, I believe the most important thing is creating something worthwhile–regardless of format. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a good example of an adaptation that, like you said, is not faithful to the book, but still (despite its flaws) seems to create an enjoyable film that resonates with people.

    Do We Need the Author's Approval in a Film Adaptation?