
What I find most compelling about the concept of storytelling is its ability to teach, influence, and entertain all at the same time.

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    The Fascination of Reality Television

    Whether it be competitive shows such as The Bachelor or simply watching people live their lives like on The Real Housewives, audiences are drawn to watching people live under surveillance. From a production point of view, the gravitation to these shows is obvious: they are inexpensive to make and draw in a large audience. But why are they so popular and when did this trend of reality TV start? What does it say about society that we are so obsessed with these shows? Are the actions of the members on the shows a good representation of society, or are their actions a response to being under constant surveillance?

    • Hi Maddy. Just a quick suggestion. It might be worth looking at the articles and topic suggestions already available at The Artifice, some of which have a theme similar to your suggestion. Perhaps these could be combined in a single analysis. I'd also recommend reading Neil Sanders's 'Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own: Volume 2: Marketing, Movies and Music', as an insight into mass media programming. – Amyus 6 years ago
    • Hi I am not huge a fan of reality television but my Mum is a big fan of reality show so it dd get me thinking how now in early 2000's we are getting bombarded with more and more reality television shows and when I was growing up I do not remember seeing so many (I wonder if I just did not notice it or was there less on in the late 1900s). Even though as I said reality television is not my thing it would still be interesting to see why we are seeing so many of them now. – Melver 6 years ago

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    Great points! I’m a person who struggles with finding enjoyment in audiobooks because I’m extremely picky when it comes to the voice of the narrator, so I always appreciate recommendations!

    Audiobooks: Do they Enhance or Diminish the Enjoyment of a Story?

    So many great points! While it was difficult as a long time fan to see those characters meet their end in Infinity War, I agree with the notion that there needs to be more emphasis on the replaceability of superheroes.

    True Superheroes Should be Replaceable

    Very interesting points! I too noticed that the Prince was more in-depth of a character in the 2015 film than in Disney’s animation adaptation, the most obvious example being that he gets a name in the newer film! I enjoyed how you brought in other examples as well to really so this character growth.

    The Developed Role of the Prince in Disney’s Live Action Cinderella (2015)