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    A Connection between Netflix series, Luke Cage and Society Today

    Is Marvel’s Luke Cage, a superhero of today’s society? In the new Netflix series, Luke Cage is a black, bulletproof man with his only costume being a hoodie and when it is up, it is worn as superman wears his cape in a fight of justice. The significance of the hoodie touched on a real life matter we faced four years ago, in regards to the death of seventeen year old, Trayvon Martin. With all the shootings and killing of black men today, it is important to many that we have a hero that is black. Whether it is real or not doesn’t even matter, it is the point that our youth can watch Luke Cage and see a black hero who actually takes pride in who he is and acknowledges it. I think the series is literally and symbolically trying to make a connection with black people, culture, society, and the issues and injustice certain individuals may face today. Do you think this series succeeds or fails, barely touching the surface in making a connection to society today?

    • You will have your critics who say that the show is making a statement, which is why the hoodie is his armor; On the other hand, you will have the other side saying the hoodie makes him a stereotypical black man. The real connection lies within how Luke himself is portrayed, when he is not in superhero mode. If he follows the trend of what people think black men are like in the ghetto, then the show is just perpetuating negative stigmas. Now if he takes the hoodie off and is well spoken with a dignified demeanor, then the show is trying to make a statement. – MikeySheff 8 years ago

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    I actually just began this show about three weeks ago on Netflix and finished just the other day. I am now waiting for season 4 to become available so I can continue. This really is a great show, I have cried more than ever watching this show compared to any other show. Not only did it present an interracial lesbian couple with a blended family but it showed what children go through who are put in the system. It also shows that you don’t have to share the same blood or DNA to be a family, all it takes is love. I also love it because its not the typical same race and opposite sex couple, because that is not how everyone lives. There are many interracial couples and same sex couples, and everyone needs to be made aware. This show does an amazing job doing.
    I love the article and how you are introducing and bringing attention to such a great show and to people who may not know about it.

    An Introduction to The Fosters

    I watched every Carrie movie made and knowing the story still makes me have hope for her every time. I actually dread that moment she is crowned prom queen every time because I know what is about to happen. We seen the abuse Carrie gotten at school as well as not being able to run home to support and relief of it all because her mother was her bully as well. We got to see and for some relate to what Carrie went through. This story definitely makes you look at yourself and others, you were 100% right in my opinion about. Do we need another remake? Not really. However, would I mind another remake? No because it highlights on effects of bullying and what it can do to a person.
    My favorite article yet on the Artifice, you did justice by Carrie White’s name.

    Carrie White: Horror's Most Relatable Anti-Heroine

    I loved the article! I am a true Walt Disney movie girl, I love watching these fairy tale movies from Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, you name it I probably seen it. Despite my liking to these movies, you have made a lot of good and valuable points in regards to these type of movies. One point I must address is the thin waistline these princesses always have. They are painting a picture of the perfect and ideal girl as skinny, which is unfair to other girls because this is not true. Another is how the princess is always portrayed as good and kind even when horrible things are said and done to her because she just allows it. Today, when is it okay to not stand up for yourself, I have always been taught to stand up for myself and every girl should in my opinion.
    Basically, I really want to say you opened a lot of people’s eyes with this article if they were not opened before, amazing job.

    Fairytales and Feminism: "I Don't Wanna be Like Cinderella"