Danny Cox

Danny Cox

Hey! I am a student of philosophy by day and an occasional film critic by night.

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    Danny Cox

    Fantastic work, August. This is my favorite article that you have written, especially because of the extensive context that you were nice enough to include. Both powerful and haunting, this movie definitely needs to be near the top of anyone’s list of greatest films. Kudos, man! Great job.

    The Shawshank Redemption: A Retrospective
    Danny Cox

    Hey, great study! Mental health is a very interesting phenomenon for sure, so I am glad you have shed some light onto how it makes its way into film. Nice job!

    Captain America: A Case Study in Depression
    Danny Cox

    Hey Helen, this was an interesting study. I remember reading “The Hobbit” when I was about ten, and although I probably didn’t understand all of it, it was very illuminating and was one of the books that got me into reading. Nice Job!

    Hobbits: Tolkien's Unlikely Heroes
    Danny Cox

    Hey Ryan. I really like the way the article turned out. Great job with everything, and I will try to catch this film sometime. Take it easy!

    Broken Flowers (2005) and Ambiguity: The Need for Active Viewers
    Danny Cox

    Great topic, Liz. I remember the days and nights playing Goldeneye as well, along with the bitter rivalry that often came with it! When Halo first came out, that game, for me and my friends, was co-op gold.

    Couch Co-op: A Past-Pastime in an Online World
    Danny Cox

    Greatly written piece Austin. As I mentioned to you, I am a stranger in the foreign world of Anime, but I can appreciate your passion and your deep well of knowledge. Peace!

    Fate/Stay Night: Setting Up for a Decade of Quality Success
    Danny Cox

    This thing is a beast Jamie! Great work, and although I have never even held a comic book (crazy, right?), you make me feel a sense of nostalgia towards these characters, writers, and all people of comic influence.

    75 Mighty Marvel Moments
    Danny Cox

    Hey, great work, and intriguing topic – I like the way it turned out. I hope you post again!

    Swamps and Bogs in '80s Films and Medieval Literature