
Senior undergraduate student studying film and art history, with a love for animated movies and the arts!

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The Sequel Syndrome

With most major franchises releasing timelines of sequels, prequels, and spinoffs years in advance, it has become increasingly obvious that sequels are a fast way to create interest and reap box office revenue. However, it has also become increasingly obvious that many movie-goers are tired of this industry tactic, and have called for a return to original content. Discuss the relationship between a sequel being successful, and of it being necessary/wanted by the public.

  • Sequels aren't inherently bad, but they can be abused. It really comes down to loyalty and attachment. Does the Star Wars prequel and sequel trilogies need to exist? No, but because so many people are invested in the universe and the characters, they'll keep making Star Wars movies. The same can be applied to any successful movie franchise. The only ways a sequel won't get made is if the movie does awful or the creative team makes a bold decision not to make another one, even if it means losing out on profits. – MarkSole 8 years ago
  • This topic would benefit from market analysis, though I imagine your quality of "being necessary/wanted" will be hard to quantify if that's not tied to box office revenue. – Kevin 8 years ago
  • Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, and the list goes on. There is no way that any of these movies would have the same impact without their sequels. I can definitely see your point, that some sequels are just cash tactics, but the great many seem to make sense to the story. – MikeySheff 8 years ago
  • One interesting angle you might pursue: Who determines which movies get a sequel, and who should be determining that? For example, Hollywood decided Despicable Me should get two sequels plus a Minions movie, but did the original movie warrant it? What makes content good enough for we as consumers to say, "I want more?" And why (besides the almighty dollar) does the media refuse to listen to what consumers want? – Stephanie M. 8 years ago

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It is always very interesting to me, as someone who loves Disney and who grew up on it, to look back and reflect on the (more often that not) hazardous representations of women in Disney films, and how they’re more progressive as the years go on because we are becoming increasingly aware of how poorly women are portrayed in media. With the addition of Merida, and now Moana, there is a much more conscious effort to have the female protagonist be assertive, adventurous, and successful without the help of a knight in shining armor. It is surreal to look back onto old princesses and see what was considered the height of diversity, even if they do portray women as masculine=good, and paint a picture of femininity=bad, that is quite undesirable. I hope that as the years go on, and media continues to listen to society, women in Disney films won’t have to sacrifice their femininity to be heroes.

Masculinity and the Disney Princess

As someone who has never seen this show (I know I know! What am I doing??) I find this to be really refreshing, it seems to have an incredibly diverse spectrum of gender roles, and new/reversed portrayals of ever present stereotypes found in just about all other media. Such a great thing for everyone to be exposed to, not just kids! I’m looking forward to sitting down and binge-watching the whole show!

Masculinity in Steven Universe: A Matter of GEMder?

In my experience, there are always moments in books that are newly discovered when re-reading. In many cases, reading a book for the first time — especially if it is a highly anticipated one — can be a rushed thing; excitement on behalf of the reader clouding the smaller, more nuanced parts of the story. I find that once the text has been concluded, and the anxiousness of finding out the ending has dissolved, it allows for a more leisurely read-through, and so many small things that one might have skipped over in the first read can be brought to light! I always love rereading books, and return to my favorites as a sort of comfort every now and again. Wonderful article!

Why Reread Books? The Pros and Cons of Rereading