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    Compulsory language lessons for new generations.

    As an avid language-learner myself, I often question why my peers are so disinterested in the art of learning a foreign language. From beginning my secondary school it was complusory to learn either French or Spanish for the first two years. After that we were given an option to continue the course or drop it … many of who dropped.

    Despite being British, I believe that the majority of native English speakers are quite lazy and closed to the idea of learning another language seeing as English is the most popular language to learn as a second language. Therefore I open this topic: should it be compulsory for young children (mainly in English-speaking countries) to be continuously taught a different language until their education is complete or should there still be choice in whether they continue or stop?

    Both options offer positives and negatives, but which has more that can sustainably affect the development of the future generations' prospects and opportunities?

    • Excellent topic. I also think it would be worthy to look at how other countries approach learning languages. For instance, almost everyone in Scandinavian countries have English as a second language. I also think it's fascinating that mostly English speaking countries avoid learning a second language or it's done poorly (perhaps a reminent of colonialism? Since English became a global language and English-speaking individuals aren't as limited to communicating around the world?). As a Canadian, I can say that although French is mandatory in elementary, they do a terrible job of teaching it. Most kids get sick of learning it, since after so many years you can barley hold a conversation. – Pamela Maria 6 years ago
    • I think it is also important to discuss here the issue in taking second languages seriously from a curriculum view - that too often there is one year of this, then one year of that, etc. so that no depth or opportunity to develop is really offered. I would also offer that as part of this is why not mainstream foreign films more fully. Or better yet on TV. I know some shows in America are making more of an effort to use Spanish as part of the show without subtitling it, pretty much to say "hey you should know this." I liked that in Firefly Whedon did this with Mandarin. – SaraiMW 6 years ago
    • This is interesting. In Canada those in English school must learn french starting in grade 4, while those in French school must learn English. I went to a full french school but was already fluent in English since I lived in southern Ontario. One thing I noticed is that although my anglophones friends had been learning french for most of their lives, their french skills sucked, they couldn't keep up in a conversation to save their lives. Yet if you flip it and go to Quebec, they all have at least conversational English skills or they are completely fluent. It always seems to me that although both language are official languages, English is more important and valued so despite the fact that anglophones students should be fluent in English they aren't. It seems to me that English systems don't put nearly as much effort into learning a second language since it isn't a necessity compared to a french speaker needing to learn English. It would be interesting to see how other countries who have two official languages go about teaching the language and see why there is such an imbalance, most likely because of the value placed in one language over the other. – tmtonji 6 years ago

    Should Historical Content be Used Accurately on TV or Solely for Entertainment?

    Although some programmes these days cleverly use a timeline in history to create a fictional story, which entices viewers to be curious about what the characters' lives would be like in the time period. However, happenings and events from the time period are often altered to suit the plot of the episodes instead of the actual. Is this beneficial to the audience? Or should we be given historical truths to aid us to expand our own knowledge of history?
    E.g. Reign

    • I think this is an extremely interesting topic. However I'd work on the title - I think something more engaging like "In the Making of History" or "Is History History?" Haha I don't know. These are just at the top of my head. You can always keep this title, it's totally up to you. Just a quick note for ya :) – Hals007 7 years ago
    • This would be absolutely fun to write. All in all, it comes down to the relevance of history today in the cinematic sphere and also the purpose of entertainment. You'd have a lot to talk about the level of 'responsibility' the stakeholders (e.g. audience, film makers, government censorship) have in producing historical TV shows etc. – Sakki 7 years ago
    • A fascinating topic! One thing you should consider is what a historical truth is - is it enough to stick to historical facts? Odd as it sounds, can you present history without making it seem archaic? Can you tell the underlying tone of a period simply by presenting it as is, or does its presentation have to be altered to our contemporary audience to understand it? After all, everything we see, we see through the lens of our time, and everything comes with assumptions we've collectively made about the past. Something big that historical fiction has to tackle is that second narrative - you either write based on your audience's historical assumptions, or you write to change them. Which is right? – gachelzbieta 7 years ago

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    I really love the way you put this! The goal itself is quite inspirational; I feel that finding oneself (your own interests, happiness, strengths and weaknesses) isn’t enough. Instead, finding yourself and your place within your community and contributing to it for the better, no matter how big or small the significance or its impact, is the best thing. I wish to follow in that path 🙂

    Moana: A Disney Princess For The 21st Century

    I think that Rom-Coms, or just the basic romantic films, are great at living up to the fantasies that we dream about — but they’re only great for entertaining and satisfying our need to fantasise about overdramatic or idealistic romantic scenarios. Though overall, I agree that they do some harm in embedding unrealistic ideals that do not help the general society in having high expectations that only fictional dreamboats can live up to.

    The Dark Side of Romance in Movies

    I love this perspective!! The discourse structure of taking us through the stages of the defined ‘loves’ and explaining well-known scenarios of these feelings with characters was really interesting. 🙂

    Can You Really Fall In Love With a Fictional Character?

    At first, I thought that this article was going to be entirely opinionated. However, after seeing the mass of cognitive content in this, it’s clear that each side of the argument has advantages and should be given an equal reputation.

    Are you a Sub or a Dub?

    The analysis of this piece is incredible; each antagonist has clearly been given a lot of attention in successful efforts to see an opposite perspective to what the audience initially coincides with.

    The Legend of Korra: Empathizing with Villains

    Loved the way this is structured, giving examples of princesses whilst progressing through Disney’s advancements to make the stories of these princesses more appropriate to the modern age.

    Feminism and the Disney Princesses