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    The influence of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison on African American art

    Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison has been called a "master text," a revolutionary work which changed the nature of African American literature in the 1950s. How did Invisible Man reach more than just African American literature? Where can you see its influence in later works – not only in literature, but painting, poetry, photography, etc?

    • Looking at the race issues as well as the Marxist bent of the text would likely be a solid starting ground for evaluating how this novel has influenced other disciplines and how it speaks to other racial issues. Would make for a great interdisciplinary exploration. – mazzamura 8 years ago

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    I would love to see this play after reading the article. It sounds as if the playwright provides a completely accurate although of course hyperbolic representation of our contemporary society. It is sad to think there are people that deny this. We must be shocked in order to see and absorb the true reality around us.

    The Brutal Presentation of Modern Society in The Play 'Shopping and F***ing'

    Watching this show just last year, its influence on popular culture still today is undeniable. From the style, the plots, and the approach, this sitcom style show has reached and impacted hundreds of later productions.

    Freaks and Geeks: One Season, 17 Years of Cultural Influence

    It’s very interesting to think of the art of tattooing as a more traditional practice, for like the author referred in the article, it is seen primarily on those of the fringe society status. As of late, however, more have become open to the aesthetics of tattooing. Employers have become less strict about tattoos being seen, and the art has reached a more broad audience.

    Tattoos: Alternative Expression with Traditional Roots