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    Queer Representation in Literature

    The classics read in most English classes have little to know queer representation within them. Although LGBTQ literature is on the rise, it is still not something that is taught in schools across America. Why is that? What can be done to ensure this doesn't happen going forward?

    • This sounds like a really good idea to explore. It is also important to discuss how queer characters may have been changed to appeal to heteronormativity (think "historians say they were best friends"). – annasamson 3 years ago
    • We can also argue that the current literature and compulsory reading is pretty much anti-queer, talking about people in gender-specific roles more often than not, and how that impacts us. – rosewinters 3 years ago
    • I like this topic and I think this is the reason why most people are still homophobic. I am not only referring to the American society but the entire world. If we introduce works of literature and visual media about LGBTQ issues in schools, I am sure people will start changing their minds about it and be more willing to accept sexual minority groups. Education is always the key to enlightenment and tolerance. I like how you are inviting the author to explore the reason behind the fact it is not getting implemented in schools. I recommend that you develop more questions as what novels should be introduced in the classroom that may have the potential to change their minds. – Malak Cherif 3 years ago
    • One of the main wide-spread literature that we read, not only in high schools but in Literature degrees to is Shakespeare, and SO much can be said of queerness in the plays. There exists a plethora of resources to make this topic accessible, and many contemporary theorists work on it too. You can check out 'Shakesqueer' which can be a good companion. – Dash 3 years ago
    • There's a bunch of YA and romance novels that write queer representation really well. I can offer ideas if you need somewhere to start. – Jordan 3 years ago

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    Wuthering Heights is one of my favorite books I’ve ever read. I thought the Romanticism section of this article was top notch and extremely detailed. It is so nice to see someone else’s viewpoint on a book that I treasure. Fantastic job, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

    Wuthering Heights and its Many Genres

    Unfortunately, as you pointed out, cable TV is dying. I have to confess, I am part of the problem. I subscribe to quite a few apps myself, and find myself rarely watching regular TV that does not have something to do with sports. I’m glad that you mentioned what the streamers have said so that the argument comes full circle.

    Fantastic writing!

    The Age of Streaming Services: Then, Now, and Beyond

    You clearly and thoughtfully demonstrated that Daisy was the perfect ideal for love. She wasn’t perfect, but Gatsby thought so. The attention to detail within this article is outstanding, and it is an impactful piece that will leave an impression on many. Great job!

    Daisy Buchanan: Love, Folly and Money in The Great Gatsby