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    What Makes My Hero Academia So Goshdarn Likeable?

    My Hero Academia first garnered attention when it gained a surprising amount of momentum soon after its debut in Shounen Jump, often being heralded as a spiritual successor to highly successful and soon-after ended shounen titles like Naruto and Bleach. Now, with one completed anime season and a second one ongoing, MHA can be seen everywhere in otaku culture, particularly in the realm of visual essay analysis videos posted on Youtube and elsewhere. All this, despite the fact that, as many fans and critics have pointed out, there's nothing particularly new or inventive about it. MHA takes almost every traditional shounen trope in the book and runs with them, using them to their greatest effects. It'd be interesting to pinpoint what some of those tropes are and how MHA uses them so effectively. The writer could also analyze how outside factors (like timing and anime adaptation) affected its popularity growth over the past 2-3 years.

    • I've heard extremely positive things said about this anime. I think I will begin watching it due to its use of these common tropes. In addition to this, being a spiritual successor to favourites such as Naruto and Bleach compel me even more. Great Topic! – AdilYoosuf 8 years ago
    • I'm a huge fan of this series, I think one could focus on the characters add to My Hero Academia. – Jiraiyan 7 years ago
    • In my opinion i think the popularity comes with its simplicity in that MHA seems to be a purer example of the heroes journey as well as a story making great use of the big dam heroes trope. When you take such a classic formula and add deconstruction along with a health dose of power scaling your bound to catch eyes. – Delebo 6 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Very insightful article on a literary topic I’ve never thought of before. You were very thorough with providing evidence for your claims. I really would like to read or watch The Great Gilly Hopkins now too.

    The Modern Orphan Figure

    Totally I totally agree with this analysis. Before watching the musical, I was under the impression that the main romance was between Christine and the Phantom. Then, as I watched the story unfold, I became more and more disturbed with that concept. Kind of like how Loki from the MCU is adored despite the fact that “he killed 80 people in 2 days”. I’m glad to see such a thoughtful and thorough breakdown of why there isn’t and shouldn’t be a romantic relationship between these two leads.

    Phantom of the Opera and the Problem of "Shipping"

    Love this article! I’m so glad to see somebody giving Cinderella the love she deserves, as well as pointing out some of Ariel’s flaws. I thought I was the only one who thought that way about either of them. Great choice with Tiana being #1, but I think Meg was judged a little harshly. She did sacrfice herself for Hercules, not to win back his affections (because she knew she didn’t deserve them), but purely out of love and concern for his life. That doesn’t reverse all of the negative points you explained, which were true, but I think her nobility and selfless are enough to redeem her from being simply a negative role model.

    Best and Worst Disney Role Models for Girls and Young Women