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    Has Rowling's Harry Potter actually inspired increases in wider reading?

    Analyse the popular opinion that Harry Potter has increased youth literary interest. Has Rowling inspired young readers to go on to new and different content outside her stable, or has her pervasive Wizarding Universe sought to monopolise marketshare?

    • A good issue, I'm just not sure how to measure this. In addition, interest in Harry Potter books may not carry over to reading other literature or the New York Times. This might be approached as a pedagogy issue at the middle school level: Has Harry Potter been added to classrooms to help inspire other reading. – Joseph Cernik 5 years ago

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    Quality article, insightful and well written.

    I wasn’t a huge fan of Stranger Things for its derivative, Spielbergian homage (The Goonies), plus the Hollywoodized trop of pitting pubescent youths against the supernatural; however, this article underscores the aspects of Stranger Things I appreciated, and even modified my interpretation a little. Kudos, Sean.

    Analyzing Stranger Things Using James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction

    I ponder if Wolff was right. While cinema and books represent a medium to tell a story, they are distinctly divided by their respective, story-telling toolsets ie. what works for books mightn’t for movies.

    Further, fidelity of adaptation, as KateBowen puts it, is a moot point for the likes of Harry Potter or Twilight (or Game of Thrones). Their writing styles and multiple sequels suggest an avaricious parallel with Hollywood uninterested in concise, genuine story-telling between both mediums.

    My thoughts are incomplete here but I’ve enjoyed having them.

    The Art of Adaptation: From Book to Film

    Hi James, great piece on The Thing and practical effects, I’m often citing the film as evidence for a PE renaissance.

    I’m a huge fan and, like many others, felt let down by the prequel. I bet a sibling article comparing the two would be a cool idea, highlighting the modern trope of frenetic, in-the-trenches camerawork as a tool to blur CGI.

    Practical Effects of The Thing