
Combining curiosity and words, I hope to transfer my passion for pop culture into enjoyable articles for readers. Other times I 'geek out' as hard as the next person.

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    Why the British (Successfully) Invaded Television

    A number of US shows feature a British lead playing an American character. Consider what happened when Damian Lewis won his best actor Emmy for Homeland, playing a former hostage in the Showtime drama. Twitter lit up in surprise as Lewis announced he was 'one of those pesky Brits'. Why are they successful? Are they inexpensive as many of them joke, or does it say something about how both side of the Atlantic approach entertainment or fame?

    • Is it not possible that British actors are just good at their job? I am only half-joking, but I really don't feel like the Brits are given enough credit; they're always "stealing American parts". But on the flip side the quality of american shows is far superior to anything Britain has; you don't see many, if any, American actors in British shows or many quality British actors for that matter. The US has Fargo (Brit: Martin Freem), Hannibal (Brit: Hugh Dancy), Elementary (Jonny Lee Miller) and as you said Homeland/ Band of Brothers (Damien Lewis). Britain has shows that aren't even worth the time (Atlantis, Doctor Who (controversial I know)). So I don't think that Brits are stealing American jobs, rather they are enchanted by and drawn in by the wonderful American shows. – Jamie 10 years ago
    • I take much offence to the statement that the UK has bad shows. Maybe America just needs to show the good ones beyond the BBC? Atlantis is awful in many respects, but it should be remembered that it is for families unlike the american shows mentioned. Also, if you look beyond the BBC there are great shows. Downtown Abbey (i'm not a fan, but America is...) Misfits (series 1-3) Camelot with Eve Green (didn't get the recognition it deserved) The Tudors (where Superman and Margery Tyrell began...) For anyone who wants to write the article, it is worth bearing in mind that actor training in America and the UK is very different. UK has more emphasis on collaboration and (i think) physicality, multiple different practitioners from Europe, whilst America is very much The Method and Strasburg. – Francesca Turauskis 10 years ago
    • But the British have been "invading" for centuries, haven't they? – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    Seems today is the day for articles on procrastination. The Atlantic had an article entitled The Procrastination Doom Loop—and How to Break It: http://theatln.tc/1ldfFK3 . It talked about procrastination from a mood perspective than a time management one, as this article also talks about at the beginning.

    Fear is truly the mind killer, and now I have two websites to help me be productive. That’s the take away from this piece at least for me.

    Writing: The Real Reason You Procrastinate

    ‘It is something to enjoy because it is helping you learn who you are, rather than defining who you are.’

    I think we are losing the difference between the two. I have to remember it’s only a show anytime I discuss a show. Sometimes people get into really heated arguments, like what goes on with Game of Thrones, about nuances not applicable to a book as opposed to a television show.

    I also don’t really refer myself as a fan anymore. I support the shows, but they don’t define even my attitudes or beliefs. People infer those two while not even asking “so what else defines you” to find out about experiences, or get to know you better. In fact hard-core television binging isolates people much the same way as alcohol or drugs.

    The Insatiability of Indulging: Binging in a New Age

    In film, just like books, people build this library in their minds to see what works in a story and what doesn’t.

    I really enjoyed this article as I got a crash course in anime, yet love the interplay between those works and Pacific Rim. Personally I enjoy the film, and it does have a huge fan base on sites like Tumblr. Here’s hoping GDT makes that sequel.

    Pacific Rim: In-depth study of the influence of Anime

    I am glad someone also remarked on how the newness has worn off, and Age of Ultron dealt with enormous expectations. The Black Widow portion remains a main example as everyone had this vision of the sequel in their heads, and then got angry when the two didn’t match up.

    Personally I was glad we didn’t the the Natasha/Clint coupling. I also like the fact Tony has a little edge. I think we forget who he was before donning the suit. Some aspects of that personality, the arrogance and pride, still remain with him. Even Banner has limits on it.

    Avengers vs. Age of Ultron: Evolving the Superhero Team