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    Can TV make you into a murderer?

    Look into the psychological effects of modern television and see if there is any scientific evidence to suggest if TV can influence human behavior, and if so then to what degree and in what ways.

    • Sounds fascinating and terrifying in equal measure. – J.P. Shiel 9 years ago
    • There are two ways it can go. The first is to experience the trauma from the safety of your armchair, similar to reading. An example of a positive outcome would be the classic Disney cartoon in which separation from parental units are regularly depicted like Bambi, Jungle Book and Cinderella. The second direction is that regularly watching horrific scenes causes desensitization. So I agree with J. P. Shield that it is fascinating and terrifying simultaneously. – Munjeera 9 years ago
    • I've always answered this in the same way as when someone begs the same question of video games. I find that it can be an enhancer for people who are already on unfortunate paths but it cannot be what initiates the affect. I'd love to know if there are any studies with findings on the subject. – TGoutos 9 years ago
    • Interesting... Well if an individual is unstable to start with, even if unknown, it may trigger something on the inside. I wonder if children could be sensitive too this... It would be interesting to find out. – FandomCrasher 9 years ago
    • I believe there has not been a scientific study that proves this one way or another but that being said, we all have to watch and limit the exposure of violence on TV on our children. While I do not believe a child would become a murderer by watching TV, it will certainly give those ideas or motivation that are more susceptible to manipulation or those that already have some sort of a chemical imbalance that might push them towards that path. It is the whole theory of nurture versus nature I guess. In so many cases, theorist have gone one way or another and it is still a much debated theory. – ferozan 9 years ago
    • There have already been studies about this. The subject would have to be narrowed down more in order to be tackled in anything that wasn't a huge book. Maybe focus in generically (dramas, crime dramas, what have you) – darcvader 9 years ago
    • Being someone who is totally empathetic, there's a lot of truth to this. I'm moved by just about anything that I watch on TV. Once Upon a Time makes me lovey dovey, Sons of Anarchy made me pray for violence against other characters. It's the strangest thing. – Karyn Little 9 years ago
    • I would kill to read this article. – Tigey 9 years ago
    • There have been several movies that depict a murder/crime that resembles a story from a book. One example that comes to mind is "The Raven". Whoever chooses this article could talk about the influences of both TV and books. – JennyCardinal 9 years ago
    • There are no definitive experimental studies that uphold this notion; all that exists are correlations between television viewing and individuals who become murderers. Nature versus Nurture needs to be factored into this equation. Television alone cannot make someone a sociopath, but it can definitely give an unbalanced individual ideas as to how to extract their image of terror on the public. – danielle577 9 years ago

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