Gemma Ferguson

Gemma Ferguson

Currently studying a Bachelor of Communication, majoring in Journalism and Public Relations. Working as a marketing consultant and I've always had a passion for writing.

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The reputation of the hip hop/rap industry

Hip hop/rap music is often associated with thugs and those "on the wrong side of the law". The whole genre is thought to be filled with angry artists who have a bad temper and it's stereotyped that it encourages negative attitudes in those who listen to it (dis tracks, rants etc.) Meanwhile, the disco music that filled the 70's with fun and dance, is seen to be much more innocent. If hip hop/rap is simply an evolution of disco – a spin off of the adored genre – why are the reputations of the two so different?

  • The answer seems pretty obvious, whoever picks this topic would have to talk about how black people are represented in the media and how they are constructed to be received. The media made it so that rap would be a taboo, did they do that because it was mostly black people in the genre or really because of the content. As for content it would be super important to show that not all hiphop/rap music was bad, doing a historical analyses as to how the genre came to be would also be crucial. – tmtonji 7 years ago

The clueless plot behind such a classic movie

The 90'c classic 'Clueless' is one of my favourite re-watchable movies. However, the more I watch it, the more questions I have regarding the plot. What was the point – was it to follow Tai's journey to a new school, was it to follow Cher's love life, was it to watch Mr Hall and Ms Geist's romance blossom? The multiple storylines aren't overly complicated and all seem resolved in the end, but it just leaves me wondering. I doubt I'm putting too much thought into a movie that can blame this mess on being out-dated, as we saw Iggy Azalea's imitation of the film in her 'Fancy' film clip in 2014 and the world was shocked by the film's Brittany Murphy's 2009 death. Was this simply the style of a fun 90's film, or for that matter the comedy genre – to fill it with multiple storylines in order to keep it fun, light and entertaining? And if so, why is this plot-messy classic the one we still remember today?

  • Also note that this is based on the Jane Austen novel 'Emma'. – SaraiMW 7 years ago
  • Love Clueless! Alicia Silverstone’s performance is flawless. – Munjeera 7 years ago

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Gemma Ferguson

RaeganSmith – wow I had no idea! That’s such an impressive effort. Sadly sometimes the politics get in the way, which is unfortunate! But I agree, hopefully Disney can bring it back (especially if there’s so much interest from fans still!). I’ll be crossing my fingers with you to hope it comes back! Thanks for your comment.

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

leersens – I totally agree! Hearing that B99 has decided to wrap up filming, just this week, has been devastating. Yeah it’s tough to say with the way ratings work I think! But I’m sure the movement on social media would’ve attracted some attention (e.g. if a non-fan saw everyone fighting for the show, maybe they’d be more inclined to watch and see what all the fuss is about?). It’s tough to say because I’ve been looking through the lens of a fan. Thank you!

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

Dr. Vishnu Unnithan – I’ve never seen that one, I will have to check it out. Although, I’ve recently finished watching Veronica Mars, and it seems it has a series, got cancelled, was brought back, and also has a wrap-up movie? So there’s some hope for a third season of your series too. Fingers crossed!

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

BrigetteH – for sure! I also think the rise in social media and a greater emphasis on two-way communication has really helped give us, the audience, a stronger leg to stand on.

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

sarahjae – it’s interesting, isn’t it? We often think we, as consumers, have no impact. But clearly we actually do!

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

sophiebernard – absolutely! People power can make a real difference. Thanks! 🙂

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

brittanynieman – exactly! Power in numbers 🙂

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation
Gemma Ferguson

SaraElsa – glad you agree 🙂

Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation