
I did my undergraduate studies in physics and am currently working on a master's in journalism so that I can blend science and writing.

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    Are Second Seasons Worth it?

    Stranger Things became a surprise hit, with a story line that was neatly wrapped up by the end of the season. The plot was well-rounded, the characters developed, and everything seemed to return to normal. However, the popularity of the show led to the creation of seasons two, three, and soon four which, while still being good, have not received the same level of praise as season one. Are second seasons worth the risk of tarnishing the legacy of a show?

    • I think the discourse around Stranger Things is really fascinating because second seasons also bring new influences and characters as well. For example Season 2 includes Max and Billy who are key additions to the group and change the dynamics of the group in different ways. Looking at Season 3, it sometimes feels like a radical departure from Season 1 and 2 with its Russian/Cold War themes and Red Dawn influence. – Sean Gadus 5 years ago
    • Good question. It makes me think of the television format as we know it, too. That is, has our culture outgrown seasons in the traditional format? Do streaming services and tons of network originals mean we need more content or less? – Stephanie M. 5 years ago

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    Interesting analysis. I think one of the things often overlooked, though, is just how vast space is. Even if there is intelligent life out there, the odds of them being able to contact us is made difficult by the fact that there is so much distance to be covered. This is something that Interstellar had to deal with, and why it made sense that the “alien species” that was helping humanity turned out to just be humanity itself; that seems far more likely than another species finding us and being able to provide us with the technology to travel vast distances within the lifespan of humanity.

    Encounters with Aliens in Cinema and Answering the Fermi Paradox

    I find the argument for authenticity to be compelling (especially as someone who mostly watches subs) but I wonder if striving for authenticity can hinder entertainment. For instance, in the still from the Pokemon episode, many american children would not have understood a conversation about rice balls, and thus would have lost interest. Is that a compromise worth making?

    The Anime Dub Controversy

    Reading this I was suddenly reminded of the ways that trolling have permeated into life outside of the internet, especially when it comes to children. When it comes to the “stop touching me” argument, kids often like to argue that they aren’t touching the person but their clothes. Is there an innate feeling for all kids to do things like that, or is it something conditioned in individuals?

    The Art of Trolling: A Philosophical History of Rhetoric