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    The Portrayal of Boredom

    Boredom is invariably portrayed in both film and literature as something that is painful or to be avoided at all costs. Are there any positive portrayals of boredom? What is it about boredom that hurts us so much? Is there something useful in being bored and, if so, how would that be portrayed and made entertaining to a reader or cinema goer?

    • Hmm, this is an interesting topic that is not typically discussed. When describing the term boredom, you need to provide a working definition to avoid is misconception as melancholy, depression, etc. I think this is a pretty interesting topic...I hope someone does take this! You have provided some insight, but also enough room for vast expansion and explication of a "mood" not discussed in a manner isolated from a possible state of depression, grief, mood disorder, etc. – danielle577 6 years ago
    • Good points. Thanks. I definitely had in mind something distinct from mental states of depression, grief, etc., I think whoever took on this article would have to navigate both carefully and sensitively the conflation of boredom with depictions of melancholy. Then again, would these types of depiction be all that different? I'm not sure. Maybe there's something to explore there. Personally, I would lean toward exploring positive representations of boredom. The only person I've read that approaches this is David Foster Wallace in 'The Pale King'. – JM 6 years ago
    • Just reading this makes me realize that I've seen people act bored in a movie or TV show and not really thought about it. How it matters to the development of a story might be interesting or even if there have been changes in how it is presented over time. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Nice. Really nicely put together list. Where’s Braid though?! 😉

    Video Games That Ask Deep Philosophical Questions

    “Depressed” seems like a strong reaction to a movie that—although having very sad, tear-inducing moments throughout—had a happy ending. There are loads of portrayals of emotions in the movie that five year olds go through every day. Saying this movie isn’t for kids would be like saying a movie that portrays the real world that Eighth graders live in today shouldn’t be watched by actual eighth graders.

    Sensitive Topics in Recent Disney Films

    I would argue that that is less a downside of reading and more a failing on the part of the reader.

    Rebuilding The Future: What book would you bring?

    Excellently researched. Perfect amount of citations. Did some additional digging around (and not really related to the aim behind the piece but still interesting): who knew that Jessica Savitch was Will Ferrell’s inspiration for ‘Anchorman’? It seems obvious now I know.

    The Sexual on TV News: Lipstick Matters

    Proper interesting article. The theory regarding lack of desires is a fascinating one. I reckon it has some untapped depth as a writing device or movie trope (I’d love to be shown other examples where it’s being employed!) It seems like a cunning way to create the possibility of more ambiguous interpretations of characters’ intentions and project our own desires onto the actions of the desire-less. Very nice stuff.

    Annihilation: The Alienation of Desire