Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor I
The Popularity of Binge-Watching in a Short Attention Span EraWhile we can barely last 30 seconds before clicking a different video on YouTube, film/television universes are expanding. With DC (Arrow/Flash/Legends of Tomorrow) and Marvel (All Films/Agents of Shield/DareDevil/etc!) crossovers, the hope is that we not only remain invested enough to continue with each new film/show, but we remember all of Thanos' little teases though a year or two apart! Along side this, 'House of Cards' style filming where it is meant to be devoured as a whole rather than once a week is gaining momentum as well (Sense 8). With the convenient, automatic play of each 'next episode' and the marathon encouraged set up of Netflix, we are clearly in love with binge-watching. What does this say about our short attention span? Are the two even related?
Why the How I Met Your Mother Series Finale was Actually Genius | |
![]() FanFic can be a crapshoot but I agree, it is excellent practice for the striving writer. A supportive community is essential, especially in the beginning stages of writing. With the basic elements already laid out, I surmise fanfic writers find it easier to find momentum. One of the main reasons I have looked into FanFic is due to books, shows, films ending in a way that doesn’t sit right with me. I have also searched for fan fiction when I find myself wanting to explore more of the universe that has already been created. While I have struggled through ineloquent writing, I have also found many beautiful stories that have invigorated my view on the value of FanFic, no matter what you must sift through first. | Fanfiction: The Merits of Originality |
![]() While I do believe violent video games can fuel aggression, I agree with your statement about how it does not change a person’s personality. Reactions are dependent on the person/personality therefore, reactions will differ and what extracts strong, aggressive emotions from one gamer may not have the same effect on the next. I enjoyed the comparison of studies you’ve shown! Interesting article:) | The Effects of Violent Video Games: Blasting the Myth |
Seeing romance-drive Ted outside Robin’s apartment again with the blue French horn resulted in a beautiful full-circle. To find love again, renewed, after so long is extraordinary.
I only wished for a few things:
More time with the mother (on-screen time): I wish to have seen the relationship develop and flourish, as we have seen with all the potential others (Robin, Stella, Zoey, etc.) While I fell in love with the mother in the little time we were given, I can’t helped feeling robbed of a large part of Ted’s love story.
Robin to have maintained character development: Robin grew so much throughout the series. She came to a point where she finally chose love over her career (Don), yet in the end, we briefly find out that all that development had been scratched out. She, yet again, chose her career over her marriage, becoming a large reason contributing to the reason it eventually failed.
Ted mourning: I think closure and acceptance would have been easier if we were able to see Ted mourning the mother. Instead, we find out that she has died. In the next moment, we find out that Ted wants to get back together with Robin. While a lovely ending, it was difficult to jump from one scene to the other.
The story was, however, brilliant of the writers. The audience was led to believe one idea right up until the very last moment. If that isn’t clever story-telling, I don’t know what is:)