Sarah A.

Sarah A.

Friends call me Potassium. You can publicly trace my mediocre YouTube videos all the way back to 2013.

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When is it "too much" nostalgia?

Nostalgia's been widely regarded as a good thing, but when does it go too far? When does it become unhealthy for us to stick ourselves to the same ideas, the same properties, solely because we associate good things with them and they make us feel safe? It is necessary for us to be challenged, but how can we do that if we're constantly being given the same thing because that's what we like and what we're used to? With all these reboots, when is enough enough?

  • Interesting topic. Do you have any examples of nostalgia done right versus nostalgia done poorly? – JakeV 8 years ago
  • Nostalgia and reboots can be considered separate entities. – m-cubed 8 years ago
  • Too much is when the story hinges on it. It should be sprinkled throughout the story, and could conceivably work without the nostalgia. – AGMacdonald 8 years ago
  • Already saw a page on face book called Clinton Obama, but running the wives in 2020. maybe American politics should be like a shriners convention, no wives allowed, try and find someone or something new instead of making George Lucas as Gore would say, Your Dante found. – Antonius865 8 years ago

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Latest Comments

Sarah A.

This is such an interesting read!

What the West Learned About Japanese Culture from Anime
Sarah A.

As someone who’s picking up writing after slipping far far out of the habit, this article was helpful in bringing back some of that inspiration. I’m always open to seeing other people’s methods for keeping things in order, this does not disappoint

The Applied Author: From Concept To Completion
Sarah A.

Great article! Brings up some things to think about. I’ve been revisiting this film through a lot of articles, and so far I’ve noticed many things I hadn’t in my initial viewing. This is one of the great examples that shows the parallels between today’s generation and the ‘hippie children’ of the 60s.

Why 'The Graduate' Still Resonates Today