Kenneth Merchant

Kenneth Merchant

Part time poet, flash fiction writer, nerd, video gamer, and tabletop role-player.

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Role of Tabletop Gaming In Geek Society

This article should talk about the various different archetypes of geeks, and what role tabletop games have as a culturally biased medium.

  • When you say "archetypes of geeks" what do you mean exactly? I feel that there is a way that this article could be very satirical or just plain offensive so figuring out that direction would be good. – Jemarc Axinto 10 years ago
  • You also should look into how tabletop games have evolved in North America. The industry that is largely focused around European strategy games like Settlers of Catan. These games take hours to complete and come with collectables which create a stereotypical "geek" culture. However, these games have also become extremely "cool" and mainstream through the growing popularity in board game cafes (ie. Snakes and Lagers in Toronto) and Wil Wheaton's popular Youtube series Tabletop with Wil Wheaton. In fact, I would go so far to say that board games are cooler than they've ever been! – Samantha 10 years ago
  • What do you mean by "archetypes of geeks"? – T. Palomino 3 years ago
  • What do you mean by "geek society"? – T. Palomino 3 years ago
  • What is Tabletop? – T. Palomino 3 years ago
  • Why do you call them a "culturally biased medium"? – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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Latest Comments

Kenneth Merchant

I myself realized quite a few problems I have when I wrote this article.

Writing: The Real Reason You Procrastinate
Kenneth Merchant

I’m glad to have provided some helpful information to you Venus.

Writing: The Real Reason You Procrastinate
Kenneth Merchant

Trust me when I say I wasn’t trying to be harsh with my comment. I just felt like this article was long winded for what you were attempting to do. I personally felt like your article would have been stronger if it were more focused instead of being a long rant. I was convinced within the first couple of sections, and with the conclusion.

Why the How I Met Your Mother Series Finale was Actually Genius
Kenneth Merchant

I’ve read the complete series of Harry Potter, as well as watched all the movies. It is safe to say that your connections with searching for identity is a solid take on the series. It is particularly interesting for those who grew up with the Harry Potter series, such as myself. I was the same age as all the actors within the movies, and it was a clever way for J.K. Rowling to sell these movies to a targeted audience of pre-teens to young adults. It is always interesting to read a psychological analysis of a famous book series, and this one is no exception. Well done creating this article.

Harry Potter and the Journey of Identity Formation
Kenneth Merchant

I’m a huge zombie fan, but there are some points where the ideal of a zombie movie, show, etc, becomes annoyingly repetitive. While each show / movie is trying to portray zombies in its own way, I feel that zombies haven’t truthfully evolved. Zombies are always going to be creatures that try to eat other humans / creatures. Brains of course being the main meal. Just recently there was a zombie film released called Warm Bodies. This take on zombies is magnificently genius because it was a new take on the classical drawling of ‘I want brains.’ The main concept is that a zombie has feelings for this girl. Since when do zombies have feelings? Aren’t they suppose to be mindless, petrified, horde slamming, brain eating creatures of the human condition? Warm Bodies defied the classical concept of a zombie, and I feel that takes a lot of guts (pun intended). This concept is, of course, a literary driven ideal of the self versus self situation. Fighting one’s own nature in order to find some kind of enlightenment. Excellent use of zombie warfare.

What is my point? Zombie movies / shows need to have more than just the creature to them. The plot needs to be character driven rather than bloody and explosive effects. Sure there is a market for the latter, but honestly you might as well make another Expendables film with zombies if that were the case.

Zombies: The Undying Genre
Kenneth Merchant

This show has been absolutely thrilling to watch, and I’ve been watching it inclusively from the very beginning. I agree with you completely that the season finale was ingenious because it delivered what the audience must have been expecting all along, but never had it quite delivered. In some ways we could have expected it to end this way, but a part of us wanted to disbelieve it because of how obvious it would be. Now for some quick criticism:

I enjoyed reading this article, but I feel it was all too lengthy for what your were trying to deliver. Some parts of this article were a bit repetitive and some other parts could have been cut down shorter.

Why the How I Met Your Mother Series Finale was Actually Genius