Kristin Ronzi

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    This reminds me that very few things in film making are coincidental. The Saving Private Ryan fact was really interesting as was The Shining’s. Interesting read.

    10 Overlooked Facts From Your Favorite Movies

    This was a really great article about the behind-the-scenes of the Oscars. As I’ve gotten older, though, the magic and prestige of the awards has decreased. Because of the selection process, the demographics of the selection committee seem to perpetuate the same type of recipients and nominees throughout the years. Though, it’s not just the Academy Awards, the movie industry seems to lack the representation of Hollywood and the United States in general. It’s just sad to see lots of very talented and deserving people often get overlooked throughout the years in part because of the voters biases.

    Decoding the Oscars

    This is a great article about the Marvel Universe. I’m glad to see House of M has made it on here! I also loved the relatively unknown Childhood’s End storyline.

    75 Mighty Marvel Moments

    Great article! Disney seems to be showing a progression from the narrower definition of love circa Cinderella and Snow White to incorporate familial love as “True Love”. This is slightly off topic but the recently released Maleficent also offers a different take on the topic. It’s nice to see a refreshing change on the discourse provided and changing the perspective for younger generations.

    How Frozen's Treatment of True Love Transcends our Expectations

    Monster is by far one of the best modern portrayals of sociopathy. Johan Liebert is such a complex character and raises the controversies of nature vs. nurture. Though he commits heinous deeds which I don’t condone, I did feel a certain empathy towards him for how he was treated early on. The way he was dehumanized with not having a name and being treated as an experiment is chilling and Urasawa makes him more fascinating, arguably than even the protagonist. But as you mentioned, he does have a sort of affection for his twin and the doctor who saved his life, in a twisted way of course.

    Johan Liebert and The Joker: A Comparison of The Same Character

    While I haven’t seen Hannibal, I am an avid fan of The Walking Dead and the Following. For some reason, though the gore is graphically depicted, I’ve never been disturbed by it. Gratuitous gore in some ways can be employed to get the desired unsettling reaction from the viewer. The murders in the Following, much like what I’ve heard of Hannibal have artistic symbolism and are treated as works of art despite the gory horrors of such atrocities.

    In Defense of Hannibal and Its Use of Gore

    I love the real world comparison that you made in this article! Unfortunately, I don’t think the latest movie version do her character justice.

    Rethinking Lois Lane

    This is a great overview of Yuri and some of its shortcomings. As a student of Japanese LGBTQ rights, I’ve noticed that lots of yuri and yaoi and almost fetishized to the point of being disingenuous. There are very few yuri manga that I’ve heard of that authentically portray the trials and tribulations of a love story without falling in the drama and cliches of most mainstream shoujo manga.

    Thanks for the read!!!

    Yuri: An Indepth Look at Women in Love