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    The impact of a female Doctor Who

    The announcement that we would have the first female dr who really divided a lot of people. Personally, I think it is a fantastic idea, but I would love to see an article that looks at both sides of the argument. It would also be good for the author to look at other women in science fiction television roles, and what they brought to the role in comparison.

    • I'm not entirely sure that there is a valid, non misogynistic, reason not to have a female Dr. Who. An article focusing on the evolution of the Dr into this new incarnation and its impact could be fascinating without being inflammatory. Combining that with or creating a separate article focusing on women in leading/supporting roles within science fiction could be interesting as well. – L Squared 8 years ago
    • Im of the opinion that creating genuine original kickass females are better than just substituting original male characters....Ellen Ripley is my favourite character in sci-fi... Maybe some more great characters ??? – RedFlame2000 8 years ago
    • There is an article for this already approved and pending publishing. – SaraiMW 7 years ago

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    Death Note was one of the first Animes I ever became interested in, L was by far my favourite character so I struggled to watch it after his death. Light’s ‘turning point’ IMO was definitely when he killed Naomi, it was perhaps the darkest part of the whole series, showing his trangression into becoming a ruthless killer.

    Death Note: Light Yagami's Transformation a Ruthless Killer

    I recently watched this film and it definitely deserves a place in my top ten list, it is such an unpredictable film and it takes you on such a journey whilst watching it.

    The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Memory and Association

    I hadn’t considered this before, this makes a lot more sense now as I too complained about the mismatched music in the film but I suppose this could have been why they chose it. I do like the modern take on the novel, specifically because at the time it came out, many young people would have been studying it for GCSE’s. I think modernising it enabled them to understand and relate to the novel better (not that they wouldn’t be able to understand the novel anyway).

    The Great Gatsby: What the 2013 Movie Says About Our Society Today