Luke R. McLaughlin

Luke R. McLaughlin

Ball State University Alumni. Independent Filmmaker, Film Critic, Teacher, and Lover. Lincoln Square, Chicago Resident.

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Space: The Questionable Frontier

Look into why movie goers can actively disregard "scientific problems" in films such as Star Trek and Star Wars, but grow exceedingly less forgiving during films like "Gravity", "Interstellar", and most recently "The Martian".

  • "Star Wars" is gritty and more honest with it's depiction of an "aged" and "well-used" future, or past, compared to other earlier depictions of space. However, at its heart, it is entirely a fantasy set in a technological environment. "Star Trek," on the other hand, wants to be more believable with it's well-researched details based in scientific fact (or at least it used to be), nevertheless it has always been too far beyond our modern limitations to really bother taking issue with anything it gets wrong. It's too perfect, too streamlined, too clean. Barely anyone ever has to wear a space suit, and only if they need to do outside repairs, which isn't often. All of the other films try to handle space in a more gut-wrenching, tension-filled, anxious, terrifying, and life-changing way. Their space craft are based directly on current designs and understandings with regards to cost and efficiency. And artificial gravity in space still requires rotational inertia to work (eg. The Hermes from "The Martian, and The Endurance from "Interstellar"). The stakes are high. Death is a very real possibility. If you aren't smart and clever enough you could lose all your air, fly out the hull and into the void, burn your skin off, lose a limb. And there are no warp cores, phasers, or photon torpedoes to save you. So if the script for these films takes a short-cut, or doesn't portray something accurately, then it looks like a cheat. Whereas "Star Trek" or "Star Wars" can get away with such a cheat, because their narrative drama does not hinge on the scientific accuracy of the details and numbers, and whether or not somebody can patch up a breach in the hull with duct-tape, or find out how to swing around a planet just right to get back to Earth faster while conserving the most fuel. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
  • I love this idea. I think as we drift closer to becoming more technologically advanced, as we discover more about space, society is becoming more fearful of the future therefore films like Gravity and Interstellar are less favored by the audience. I am interested to see where someone takes this! – emilyinmannyc 9 years ago

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Luke R. McLaughlin

A hugely underrated film, soundtrack included. It’s unfortunate it came out the same year as Inception. I prefer Shutter Island, but I am clearly in the minority. The story and score are far superior to Leo’s “other” role. Oh well, glad someone else appreciated it.

Shutter Island: Mahler's Musical Fragments, Irony, and Fairy Tale
Luke R. McLaughlin


You mention Four Rooms. Did you make it through the first three vignettes to get to Tarantino’s? I though the film in general was a major misfire, even Tarantino’s section seemed a bit phoned in to me.

The Work of Quentin Tarantino: Quality Over Quantity
Luke R. McLaughlin

Imagine if another, less known director had directed Jackie Brown? It would recognized far more. I love Robert De Niro in Jackie Brown. Some of his best work in my opinion.

The Work of Quentin Tarantino: Quality Over Quantity
Luke R. McLaughlin

I’d consider his writing his strongest attribute. He understands and lives in his own text and that transfers to the screen. I agree with Aaron that his films are refreshing, original, and completely his own.

The Work of Quentin Tarantino: Quality Over Quantity
Luke R. McLaughlin

I’m always interested to hear viewers thoughts on Tarantino’s violence. I personally have no problem with it, but I also understand at times it can be gratuitous. I’d much prefer to watch his masterful hand in Kill Bill 1&2 than any of the current slasher franchises. His use of blood is so, dare I say it, beautiful.

The Work of Quentin Tarantino: Quality Over Quantity
Luke R. McLaughlin

You are voicing an opinion that I have held close to my heart for many years. I fully, and truly, believe critics are necessary in every form of art, not just filmmaking. Critics drive filmmakers to be better, from producers all the way down to gaffers. Without critics there is no one to push the line. We are constantly advancing technologies and techniques. Hollywood may push back against the critic, but in the end they know the importance of good reviews. How many more Terminators will they make before they realize advancing story and plot is essential?

The Glaring Importance of Critics in Filmmaking