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    Diversity in Comics

    Comics have been done a better job with representation than most other mediums; however even though we see more sexualities, genders, and races, many of them are still being produced by cis caucasian writers. Do people who are not affected by the oppressive manners of a nation able to tell an honest story or are we taking opportunity away from the writers who can?

    (ex. Strange Fruit is a comic made by a white creative team on the topic of racism in the American south for instance, so it's more a question of authority and credibility. Can people who do not have a glass ceiling over their heads have the ability to write about people who do without bias interfering?)

    • For the first sentence, the comma after the word "mediums" should be changed to a semi-colon. Then, the word "and" between "story" and "we" in the second sentence should be rewritten as "or" instead. – dsoumilas 10 years ago
    • I believe they can but they'd have to be really, really careful about how they approach their subject matter, and if you side with me, then it'd be great to bring up specific examples. For example, "Saga" is written by a cis white male writer, and it's a fantastic and very diverse comic. On the other hand (for something more realistic), "Incognegro" is written by a mix-race male, and I don't think that type of comic could have been written correctly by a cis white male author. So yeah, fun stuff. – CaptainSwift 9 years ago
    • I think that people are able to accurately tell a story from a perspective of a cultural group other than their own, but that it requires research and more thought than when writing through your own personal culture. No matter who writes, there will be bias and stereotypes, even about your own culture, that you include. – nsnow 9 years ago
    • I worry lately that some of the diversity they're adding is sloppily done for PR purposes. This is an interesting topic. – SomeOtherAmazon 9 years ago

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    Collaboration is key I think when it comes to film adaptations of anything really. Whether the director is making a movie about a certain point in history or a book, coming together with someone who has a better understanding of the text you are trying to replicate will bring both the director and the audience something to look forward to. Its good to keep in mind who is going to watch the movie you have just produced. People who were adamantly into the Harry Potter franchise had certain expectations for the characters and the story, so you need to watch out. However, if you solely focus on trying to please the viewer, chances are somewhere along the way you will trip. I feel like it really comes down to a balance of both collaboration with the expert of the text and the creativity of the director.

    Do We Need the Author's Approval in a Film Adaptation?

    Rape shown in any medium is both unnecessary and triggering. If a woman being abused is suppose to be drama and add shock value then sadly the writers don’t know how to write. Abuse on screen and in reality is terrifying and seeing it over and over again does nothing but desensitize the viewer. But I don’t think that is the only factor. Most people from a young age are reliant of family and friends to help them form opinions and views towards certain things. We are very much influenced by society and the ones who are closest to us, so if someone you know jokes about harassment and abuse then you might not see it as something serious. It has become a part of our culture to deny someones experience with rape or even ignore making shows like this very disappointing.

    Sexual Assault in HBO's Game of Thrones

    I really do agree with the content of the article. There is a lot of heart and soul in the stories that Pixar has created over the course of its establishment. However, for someone with a different cultural background you start to wonder if you can even relate to these stories. It is disappointing not seeing more representation in the animated industry because we are a indeed a very diverse group of people. I mean, kids are brighter than we give them credit for and over time are going to realize just how little of themselves they see. Pixar movies have such universal messages that for one reason or another can only be told through a certain lens and that needs to change.

    10 Mature Moments in a Pixar Film