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    Death of Static Characters in Game of Thrones

    Whether it is Ned Stark's everlasting nobility or Joffrey Baratheon's undying wickedness, a static character in Game of Thrones always seems to perish. Analyze this idea and why this may be the case. Compare unchanging characters to dynamic ones and analyze why changes in character lead to success.

    • Interesting topic, it'd be intriguing to read whatever kind of explanation someone might try to come up with. But first I think it's important to discus in these notes what makes a "static" character to help the future writer of this article along? Are there exceptions to the rules? I feel as though some characters seem dynamic when in reality we they've been motivated by the same thing this whole time, we just didn't know what that was. Who is static, who's dynamic, and who's in trouble of becoming static and killed off because of this theory? – Slaidey 8 years ago
    • I agree with Slaidey in that knowing who is truly dynamic vs. static may be premature at this point. Especially in light of the fact that some characters who are declared dead, may in fact be still alive (the Hound). But being unsure of the ultimate outcome certainly makes the discussion more interesting... – heliddick 8 years ago
    • Yes, a substantial counterargument you'll encounter is that it's not the static characters that die, just the ones that are not central enough to the story that we have to know their complications. Ned's death and Littlefinger's persistence may be some of your strongest cases of proof, but Catelyn's death and Daenerys's continued living may not be in your favor. – IndiLeigh 8 years ago

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    I believe that the red wedding should have been the number one shocker rather than the mountain and the viper. The red wedding led to the murder to death of Robb Stark, his pregnant wife, and Kat Stark. It was a wedding, it was supposed to be joyous. The scene of the Mountain and The Viper however was supposed to be a violent trial by combat: a fight to the death. Sure the viper was winning at first, but that seemed too easy. It was still a shocker but I cannot rank it as number one.

    Game of Thrones: The Top 5 Most Shocking Moments so Far

    I agree with the points you made in this article and I liked the way you presented your information. Violence is most definitely a part of character development in GOT, but I feel that people need to understand that nudity, sex, and rape also help define characters on the show. Cersei’s naked walk of shame portrays her at her lowest point and completely vulnerable. When Khaleesi encourages Khal Drogo to switch to a more mutual sex position, her strength and confidence begins to grow. These scenes can get excessive, but I do think they have a purpose in character development just like violence. American audiences need to look past the initial shock of nudity without immediately disregarding it as unnecessary.

    Game of Thrones and Violence: Don't Gore Breaking my Heart

    I absolutely loved this article and the points you made. I think that Disney stories are now improving their messages to girls by empowering female characters and giving them personal goals. Although fairytales are classic stories, they need to be modernized for the sake of girls’ future images of themselves. These stories were written during at time when marrying into a higher social class was the only way to get ahead in life. Cinderella could not just take out a student loan and get an education; her looks were her only way out of her situation. Now that women can succeed on their own, Disney must continue to create female characters that embody self-sufficiency. Times have changed, traditional fairytales do indeed need to be put to bed.

    Fairytales and Feminism: "I Don't Wanna be Like Cinderella"