Pyper Brown

Pyper Brown

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    Women in Power: Exploration on the Significant Role of Women in the American Horror Story Series

    When reviewing the popular television show, American Horror Story, it becomes apparent that the female characters play stronger roles than women in typical horror films. Rather than playing the "damsel in distress" who falls victim to the villain, women in American Horror Story act as the strong heroin-or bloodthirsty killer. Explore the roles of female actoresses throughout the seasons of American Horror Story and compare them to female roles of horror films. Analyze the ways that American Horror Story challenges gendered social norms. It is also important to observe the role of transwomen in American Horror Story: Hotel. Select a specific season of American Horror Story and discuss the differing viewpoints of women and transwomen compared to what a male viewpoint might have been.

    • I believe you meant "actresses" in the third sentence, right? Make sure you fix that if possible. – Diego Santoyo 8 years ago
    • Yes, "actresses" is correct. Thank you so much, I must have looked over that typo. Do you happen to know how I can edit the topic and fix the mistake? – Pyper Brown 8 years ago
    • 4th sentence - you mean "heroine," right? The strong heroine..... – pfurnish 8 years ago
    • I think this would be a neat topic to explore. Lady Gaga's character in the last two seasons would be a very interesting road to go down, just because of her extreme blood thirst in both season 5 and 6. – Charlee Ownby 8 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Pyper Brown

    This article is very insightful. Writer’s block is something I have become too familiar with over the past couple years and I have struggled to find a solution. I like this approach and I’m definitely going to give it a try.

    Using Zen Philosophy to Improve Creativity and Overcome Writer’s Block
    Pyper Brown

    I have been watching anime for about two years now and I am so glad that I had friends who provided amazing recommendations. My first anime was Death Note and I highly recommend this anime to individuals who enjoy darker storylines. Death Note led to my exploration of other anime, such as Another, Parasite, Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan, and Beserk. I’m continuing to explore the anime world and I am open to any recommendations!

    Anime for Dummies: What Starters Should Watch
    Pyper Brown

    This is such an interesting article. I am curious to see if AHS will incorporate aspects of the actual Roanoke history into the upcoming episodes, such as Native American representation that is true to the Roanoke event rather than what was created from racist mindsets.

    A Hidden Racism in American Horror Story: Roanoke