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    The Decline of The Walking Dead Television Series

    With the swing of a bat, the Walking Dead was easily the most popular show on television. However, with increasingly more characters to adapt into the story, the loss of fan favorite characters, and rehashing of similar story lines, how much longer can the show continue to receive this unprecedented popularity? Within this season, the shows ratings have already drastically declined from the season premiere. Why has the show lost its fervor? Can the directors/writers take steps to salvage the series, or will it be too little too late?

    • The show should have taken a more 'Game of Thrones' approach to the plot. 'Game of Thrones' established very early in its airing that main characters and fan favorites are not immune to death. If the fan-base is more story-driven, the show is easier to steer from a writing standpoint. – MikeySheff 8 years ago
    • The decline of ratings for the Walking Dead can also be attributed to the complex storyline. Especially this current season has a lot of parallel plots, that all develop very slowly and keep the audiences waiting for anything to happen that could bring the plot really forward. Even though it makes sense to establish characters like Negan as the evil villain and show the audience what he is really capable of doing, it drags on and on. Additionally a lot of fans read ahead in the comic series and stir up discussions online, which makes it difficult to keep up a neutral stand on the show. The killing of popular characters then takes another toll on the audience. The early exploring/surviving mentality, where the group tried to built on something has disappeared, along with beloved characters. This atmosphere that was created in earlier seasons could be one thing to bring back the show to its original success. – lajungbl 8 years ago

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    I frequently reread books, particularly the classics. I find that I take away something new from a book every time I read it. When I stop learning something new from a book, is when I will stop reading it. At least for a little while…

    Why Reread Books? The Pros and Cons of Rereading

    Like the article said, eventually people will tire of the endless comic book movies. Six or seven comic book movies a year is too many, but when each one is a bigger blockbuster than the next (regardless of quality), they have no incentive to stop, but eventually people will stop caring.

    It is worth noting, there’s never a shortage of comic book heroes. Sure, there are some less familiar heroes out there, but it’s not so much the hero that attracts an audience as the actor playing the hero (even if it completely changes the nature of the character like Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique). As long as there are A-list actors willing to be a superhero, people will watch.

    Should Superhero Franchises have a Definite Ending

    I think the argument is simple. Dylan changed music for the better. It was no longer about the popular sound, but instead it was about truth. Dylan laid his truth out for everyone to hear it, and in doing so, influenced generations.

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