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    Buffy as a role model for us all

    Link the narrative arcs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS) to the #metoo movement. Buffy manages to be the one who saves the world (with the Scooby gang) whilst working her way through a number of relationships with the 'wrong' man. These included the bad boy who can't be saved, the stalked, the good guy who finished last and 'beer goggles'. in the context of metoo – how is Buffy conceptualised in present day through this lens?

    • I guess there is some way to link Buffy to the MeToo Movement, seems to be a strange linkage. – Joseph Cernik 4 years ago

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    Really interesting article – I think the walk stimulates the right/left side of brain and moves us into our feeling body. This shifts the creative process enabling space for new ideas – enjoyed reading this.

    Walking and Writing: The Effects of Exercise on Creative Thinking

    I really liked the way you weaved the article with development stages or psychic challenges – I would have like to have more context with why/how you came up with these categories. Very interesting and enjoyable read. Long live HP. \

    Harry Potter: The Importance of Antagonists

    As a sessional teacher at university, understanding the craft of writing is a challenge. this article pulls it apart for the reader and offers valuable tips for beginning. I find it difficult to read many papers due the structure (or lack of). I think our challenge is how to promote the learning for students rather than the doing – peer support groups and making time for these can offer skills.

    Crafting the College Essay: Method and Motivation

    Helpful – I teach at a university (sessional) and the standard come sometimes be interesting! The learning associated with the craft of academic writing needs to be consolidated prior to the beginning rather than finally honing this skill by the end of the degree. Quality peer groups add to this and allowing time for them is our challenge – thanks for the article!

    Crafting the College Essay: Method and Motivation

    JK Rowling encourages us to look towards the worlds we don’t know, leaning into their reality, partly to extend their own. The dystopian lens allows us to explore the dark shadows of our psyche rather than the cool stream which flows gently on the surface – the crux (or horcrux) of the matter is shining the light and not being scared of what we see.

    Creative Writing is the Sincerest Form of Reality

    dystopia can be the world after the catastrophe – the worlds in the article fit the bill!

    Adapting Worlds, not Stories