
Undergrad Student at Royal Roads University in Justice Studies.

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    Inception & Jung

    The subconscious is the basis of both Christopher Nolan's movie Inception and is one of the most foundational theories created by the iconic Swiss psychiatrist. It would be interesting to see the correlations and the strands of ideas Nolan had taken from Jung's work on the subconscious and applied it to the big stream. Taking a look at what are some of the "Easter Eggs" Nolan had within the film as an ode to Jungian thought.

    • This sounds like a fun topic! I really admire Nolan's work, and I am sure he went to extensive lengths to connect the film to known psychiatric theory. Perhaps this topic would be even more interesting if we looked at other, less explicit, psychiatric, pshycological, or even philosophical connections that could be drawn from the film - whether they were intended connections or not. Consider the work of people like William James, Wegner, Wenzlaf, and Kozak to name a few. – jkillpack 6 years ago

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    Thank you for this article. Just some pushback though; without a doubt the film, and media industries all somewhat over sensationalize the “rising” of AI, and it would naive to deny this notion. I think it is vital for our society to try invoke parameters around such technologies, but I also believe we are a long ways away from creating true general AI.

    Intelligence itself is something we has human beings have yet to grasp on to – we don’t fully understand where consciousness is derived from or the inner workings of the brain itself. In order to attain general AI I think we would unequivocally have to understand the human mind, and then after understanding that, find a way to replicate it in the form of AI. In my opinion we are incredibly far from doing this.

    What is already here is creating machines that are coded to act in manner in which we code them to act, they in itself have human limitations, so now we have the opportunity to shape that, and how we do it will be interesting to witness.

    Artificial Intelligence and The Robotic Red Herring

    Beautiful piece of writing, driven from a place of the soul. I would like to extend my deep gratitude with you for sharing. There truly is something powerful with creative writing, to make someone feel that ineffable feeling of relatability, that “ah I get it” moment. Having that connection with others through writing is something so pure.

    I find when it comes to academic writing (for university) we are subjected to the tight restriction to write about what other people want us to write about, which often negates the ability to be creative. There is unequivocally something cathartic when writing whats inside you, a release of sorts, you get to empty out that stream of consciousness when writing in a creative manner that you can’t when writing in an academic setting. I am curious in the not distant future if we will see an intertwining of creative and academic writing, I certainly hope so.

    Creative Writing is the Sincerest Form of Reality

    I thoroughly enjoyed the article. I have been gravitated and sucked into the vortex that is Jung lately. I was unaware of his focus on the paranormal, and I truly appreciated you writing about it, and specifically how the paranormal was another jumping off point on his personal quest of the human psyche. The man had difficult questions he asked of himself, and his answers to those questions has always caused a shift in my perception on the very nature of the human psyche, and its capacity for expansion to realms that were unimaginable to me.

    Carl Jung on Synchronicity and the Esoteric