Jason Bermiller

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    Vinyl: Fetish or Invented Past?

    What is the root of the "return to vinyl"? Is it a fetish? Is it simply a bleary-eyed, melancholic yearning for a past that never existed? When vinyl audiophiles stoutly proclaim the "superiority" of the sound, the eyebrows of many audiologists raise in direct opposition to the idea. So, is the rebirth of vinyl simply a fetish in the midst of non-material digital downloads, or is it a longing for a different experience of engaging with recorded music, an experience steeped in romantic notions of the past?

    • Personally, I buy vinyl because, if I am to purchase music nowadays, I want something tangible that I can hold, look at, and talk about. There's no connection beyond a click and a drag with digital files, and forming one requires, generally, investment in the music beyond simply purchasing (favourite artist, writing about it, etc.). Having a vinyl, taking it out of the sleeve, spinning it and meeting with the needle are all, albeit minute, ways to get to know the record, and that's invaluable. – thomasjdjohnson 9 years ago
    • I think vinyl is considered a different engagement experience - putting on a vinyl is an intent to hear a specific artist, song, album. Its physicality gives us a sense of permanence. – sheishistoric 9 years ago
    • I heard Neil Young is associated somehow with technology that makes CD's sound like LP's, and Dylan has commented that music's not supposed to sound like it does on CD's. – Tigey 9 years ago

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    Oh poor Richard. He’s quite possibly the most unfairly maligned king ever.
    Great essay. I think we must remember that an artist, such as Shakespeare, is just that. Not an historian, the playwright or filmmaker has a primary purpose: entertain.

    Shakespeare's Richard III: The Power of Speech

    It’s interesting that each era’s dystopia or futurist novels really are just reflections of the neuroses of the era, rather than an open look at the future… there are a few exceptions. The Time Machine by Wells is one novel that I have always sensed presented a future divorced from the immediacy of the most popular issues facing the 19th century. The Road by McCarthy is solidly ensconced in 21st century concerns.

    7 Classic Books For Those New to Dystopia

    It is increasingly hard to “expand” the Bond character past the constraints of the history of the so-called “classic” era. Whenever such an attempt is made, fans cry foul. The unfortunate fact is that most Bond fans have never read the novels by Fleming, and, as a result, have no sense of the character as first imagined. Craig’s ruthless and troubled Bond embraces much of the original novels’ Bond tone and characteristics.
    Bringing Bond into the 21st century may well be a futile effort. The franchise has to deal with the very real expectations of “classic” Bond fans and the social critiques of a character that is out of touch with 21st century mores.
    Good essay!

    Why was Spectre a Disappointment?