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    Is self-publishing just self-indulgence?

    Hundreds of thousands of books are published every year. How many of them should be?

    • This is a very good idea for an article! Sometimes when I am passing by some books at book stores I wonder to myself "who would publish this?" so it would be interesting to see what you would have to say about it this topic! Although some books seem a little odd at times, they are all worth a look! – kaitlynnzygmont 10 years ago
    • What might be interesting to include are some statistics on how many book are published in paperback vs ebooks and then the difference between self-published and not. I think there would be a staggering number of books self-published in recent years now that amazon has made it so available, but the real question is what's the popularity between the two? – Slaidey 10 years ago
    • I think this is interesting but rather than being critical about self-indulgence, I think this could explore publishing with a publisher in contrast to self-publishing like the cost of production, distribution and marketing, maybe? – Jill 10 years ago
    • What would anybody try to accomplish with this topic? No examples, no elaboration of a thesis, no sources? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

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    I think Middle Earth is certainly as real as Hogwarts or the Hunger Games, and I have read Tolkien’s marvellous trilogy a dozen times, I think. Not sure that best-selling equates necessarily to best quality in the 20th Century though!?

    Tolkien's Art and Politics: Is Middle-earth Real?

    Great in-depth review. Thank you. I find some some real-life Hunger Games echoes returning from the recent report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission regarding aboriginal children sent to residential schools in Canada. Shattering, manipulative experiences showing some of the most cruel aspects of our western society.

    The Political Message of The Hunger Games

    Thanks for this. Good tips. Twists can be very compelling, but also hard to do well.

    Plot Twists in Fiction: Making a Story Standout

    A very thoughtful and enjoyable piece. I think Stockholm Syndrome can only apply to situations where an individual’s involvement is involuntary, not to those taking abuse by choice to follow their dreams. It seems that It is only those who are not natural Mozarts who go insane trying to get there. Are the Mozarts simply insane to begin with?

    Whiplash: The Cost of Dreams