
Empathizing with the villains in Legend of Korra

This is a theme in many anime style films and series, but in watching Korra I noticed that every "villain" turned out to be someone who had been deeply hurt in their past. The analysis could be a walk-through of the prominent villains in the LoK books and how when they are defeated, Korra always finds empathy for the enemy.

  • Same could be said for Last Airbender, as well. Especially Zuko. – Natalie Sheppard 10 years ago
  • I've watched up to season 3 of this show. I absolutely adore the character makeup and watching the characters evolve. It really gives me a lot of insight into my own creations. The one question I have is this: Are we talking about the LoK manga or the television show? Narrowing this topic's genre down is important to the article. Also, I believe that this article should focus mainly on the villains who are intricate to the plot of the story. There are some villains that aren't nearly as important, and quite frankly these villains won't provide enough support information in the article. – Kenneth Merchant 10 years ago
  • It's worth mentioning how villains in general have changed throughout out the year, when regarding their motivations. The reason The Avatar villains work is because their motivations for doing what they do are relatable, besides being evil for the sake of being evil. Look at Kuvira: She wants to bring order to her kingdom, but she goes overboard, to the point she is a ruthless dictator. – Aaron Hatch 10 years ago
  • Your could focus on Korra's relationship to those around her. How does she relate to the villains? How does this lead character deal with consequence compared to similar heroes? – Thomas Munday 10 years ago
  • I think it's less that every villain had been hurt in the past, but more that each of them saw Korra as a direct affront to their goals; either her presence or absence made their lives more difficult. A major way that LoK felt more mature than A:tLA is that the larger point being made or situation being addressed by each villain is valid, and Korra does have to consider their ideology. The hero and villains weren't quite as black and white as Aang and Fire Lord Ozai. – chrischan 8 years ago

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