
Can people really forgive friends?

There are many times in novels where betrayal has occurred in certain friendships for example like Macbeth and Banquo. Can we really let go and forgive others? How do you show your justification for this? If your best friend betrays you, would you be okay?

  • Looking at literary examples, this might be better suited in the Literature Category. Nice revision! – MichelleAjodah 9 years ago
  • Forms of betrayal and the various responses in literature abound, especially in Shakespeare. – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • Looking at Shaekspeare would be very interesting. His stories are mostly tragic, so the characters definitely tend to overreact. – noursaleh 9 years ago
  • I think it is important to distinguish between forgiving and having satisfaction. Is it really forgiveness if you have exacted revenge, or gained full restitution? – P. Thomas. Piche 9 years ago
  • Are any of us "okay" after betrayal, and does forgiveness make it okay? A nice angle to explore might be how characters, and real people, reach forgiveness without excusing the behavior. You could also explore how people make peace with the fact that they are not okay. – Stephanie M. 8 years ago

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