Wizards of the Coast have not been pumping out officially licensed 5e campaign content fast enough to satiate hungry tabletop gamers. D&D fans have been flexing their creative muscles and have been Kickstarting their own micro campaigns and one-off encounters on the cheap. Not only are these campaigns meeting goals, they are being rapidly released in digital formats – and they've come with WotC's unofficial blessing (well, as long as no copyright is infringed upon).
Months on from the firestorm, has the video game system changed for the better or worse? Can it be changed over the next few months?
It would be good to also inspect whether GG had any ACTUAL impact on the industry. Whether there is any truth behind "Ethics", the conduct of those working under the GG banner was criminal. So has the industry changed? Is there now greater attention on the hate directed at women, not just in games, but in Technology in general? – carboncopyben10 years ago
Why can people be hooked and drawn into a game to the point at which the lines between reality and virtual reality blur? What causes some people to lose themselves inside of a virtual universe?
There are some documentary about players who are addicted to World of Warcraft. You would broadly be able to look for some of them on Youtube. – Aaron Hatch10 years ago
Conan O'Brien's Clueless Gamer series has been a sure-fire hit, but does the segment talk down to gamers? Is the mix of gameplay or comedy a blessing or curse for the industry's pop-cultural impact?
What are some of the best video game franchises of all time? How have/do Call of Duty, Halo, Super Mario etc. jump between consoles to keep up with demand? Have said major franchises grown or shriveled over time?
This topic is hugely broad. I think this would be an interesting article to have as a sort of mini-series type thing, one in which the author might take a series per article and release an article per week, or something of the short. It'd definitely an interesting sort of thing that hasn't had too much attention on the platform. In the case whoever picks this up doesn't want to do it as a mini-series, that's cool too. I think going beyond just stating facts that can be researched, something analytical should be included as well (common trends, philosophy behind adjustments of lack thereof, etc.) Should be an interesting read. – Austin10 years ago
I think this could be narrowed to talk only about games ported to different consoles throughout the years. Chrono Trigger is a huge one. – Kristian Wilson10 years ago
You could discuss different strategies and techniques on how to conquer the world in the game of risk, all the different ways the game could be played, and even share some rules and regulations most people may not know about the game.
Thought I'd mention that if the author has any experience on other strategy games of the sort (Civ, Diplomacy, Axis an Allies, etc.), I think it'd be interesting to mention those as well and maybe discuss the history, appeal, and development of these kinds of games as a whole. – Austin10 years ago
Would be interesting to also discuss the game cultural impact in relation to fanbase and genre compared to some of the biggest games of its type. – Thomas Munday10 years ago
It would be interesting to look at first player shooter games like Call of Duty and Halo, and look at the impact they have had on the gaming industry. It would also be good to connect these games to society's ever changing views and perhaps how they downplay war.
Are you referring to desensitisation of war? If so, this topic could be expanded upon Games and into other forms of media. Maybe this topic should become a series of articles which focus on desensitisation of war. – Ryan Errington10 years ago
I recommend you read "On Killing" and "On Combat" by LTC (Ret.) David Grossman before writing these articles. He deals in these books with such little known facts as the low shooter rates in earlier wars. It turns out, as many as 50% of Soldiers in the Civil War shot high, chose to reload for others, or actually continually reloaded the same weapon. It is why shilhouettes at shooting ranges are human shaped today; Soldiers are more willing to kill now.
I suggest you also look at how photography and the telegraph changed the outlook on war in America after the Civil War. I have a paper that touches on this but is about something else. I could forward the bibliography to you. – orenhammerquist10 years ago
If you are looking at whether it is right or wrong, looking at Halo would be looking at whether or not it changes the effect shooting at aliens, things that don't look even remotely human for the most part. Also does a game tell both sides of a war or just the one, and if so which side is it in favour of, and does it glorify this. Their is a lot of areas you could explore with this topic. – Tyler McPherson10 years ago
I would strongly recommend looking into information on drone pilots specifically. I remember reading that there is an unprecedented rate of PTSD amongst drone pilots, and one theory is specifically because many early drone pilots felt like they were playing a video game, then they killed a dozen people without any real sensory feedback. I don't know if this is specifically the intended direction you had in mind, but it seems fascinating and relevant. – Christopher Vance10 years ago
It might also be interesting to compare the classic video game depictions of war to something like This War of Mine that examines the civilian side of conflict too. – Hannah Spencer10 years ago
This article should talk about the various different archetypes of geeks, and what role tabletop games have as a culturally biased medium.
When you say "archetypes of geeks" what do you mean exactly? I feel that there is a way that this article could be very satirical or just plain offensive so figuring out that direction would be good. – Jemarc Axinto10 years ago
You also should look into how tabletop games have evolved in North America. The industry that is largely focused around European strategy games like Settlers of Catan. These games take hours to complete and come with collectables which create a stereotypical "geek" culture. However, these games have also become extremely "cool" and mainstream through the growing popularity in board game cafes (ie. Snakes and Lagers in Toronto) and Wil Wheaton's popular Youtube series Tabletop with Wil Wheaton. In fact, I would go so far to say that board games are cooler than they've ever been! – Samantha10 years ago
What do you mean by "archetypes of geeks"? – T. Palomino3 years ago
What do you mean by "geek society"? – T. Palomino3 years ago