Hawkeye #4 Review: Clint Barton: Archer, Avenger, Taxi Driver

Hawkeye is on the hunt for some incriminating evidence
Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Javier Pulido
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Chris Eliopoulos
Edited by Stephen Wacker and Sana Amanat
Published By Marvel Comics
Release date 21 November 2012
Go buy Hawkeye. Right now. Plain and simple. This series is among the best out there right now, and you have no excuse to not be foaming at the mouth for each month’s issue. Hawkeye #4 was not what I expected, and that is a good thing.
The issue begins with Clint being abducted by S.H.I.E.L.D. and being sent on a mission recovering a videotape containing some dangerous information. The premise sounds a lot more super than what we have previously experienced in earlier issues, but Fraction once again brings the fun we know and love. This issue is filled with memorable vignettes and great one-liners.
Issue #4 does manage to fit in some super characters throughout. Fraction did such a great job setting up a world Clint out of costume that the appearance of characters such as Captain America and the issue’s villain feel somewhat jarring. It’s hard to remember that this technically still is a super hero comic.
Pulido’s artwork in this issue feels very similar to what we have seen by Aja, but it just lacks that same visual punch that is found in Aja’s work.
Overall, Hawkeye #4 continues to have the same level of excellence that was found in the first three issues. I can’t stress this enough: you need to be reading this book.
What do you think? Leave a comment.
I’m totally into this. It’s my new treasure… you know, the one that you are excited to tell your friends about and get them to read it so that they can come back to you and thank you endlessly for the recommendation!
Yeah, I’m not the biggest fan of superhero comics, but this book may very well be my favorite book that is currently being published.
This is a great comic! It almost deserves a lengthier review.
Next issue come already…
Good review Max! I’ll order it.
Try to track down the first three as well!
This seems very complimentative of Hawkeye.