Despite its release twenty years ago, Mulan remains a favorite of the Disney classics. The film features a strong main...
Heidi Muriel Feb 25, 2019
An almost paranoid over-reading of how (in)visibility, secular spirituality and terroristic aesthetics in the Final Destination series play with our...
Christopher Pottecary Jan 16, 2019
Hulu's adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale brings to life Margaret Atwood's book of the same name. A highly acclaimed series,...
j Dec 16, 2018
Live Action Role Play (LARP or LRP for short) is a hobby that has grown exponentially across the globe in...
lucyviolets Nov 23, 2018
Most classic literature revolves around elements such as irony, symbolism, allusion, allegory, personification, or metaphor developed over an extended sequence of pages....
L:Freire Nov 6, 2018
Type in ‘Supernatural fandom’ on Google images and you fall into the daisy chain of tumbler threads and perfectly timed...
CardinalRayPrints Oct 24, 2018
It's common for titles to be assigned to the eras of Disney's production history. The 1950s and 60s have been...
EllyB Sep 15, 2018
In video games, particularly in RPGs, the story and the gameplay exist on two isolated planes due to their contradictory...
platinummad Aug 2, 2018
Today, absolutely everyone has been impacted by social media. Celebrities daily lives are among the first to be posted online,...
Yvonne Tapia Jun 11, 2018
There is a lot to be said about Back to the Future’s standing in the science fiction community. Its success...
Sara L. May 27, 2018