Based on True Spoilers There were some standouts films in 2013, most coming late in the year. One such film...
J. Bryan Jones Dec 21, 2013
The Blockbuster. In order for a film to succeed at the box-office and be named with this great accolade it...
Francesca Turauskis Nov 4, 2013
The AMC series Mad Men has seen much critical acclaim in its first six series; from the accuracy of the...
Mickey Harper Oct 25, 2013
AMC, creators of top rating shows such as The Walking Dead, Mad Men and Breaking Bad have announced a spin-off...
Tyler McPherson Sep 25, 2013
The premiere of season 4 of what was no doubt supposed to be HBO’s signature series to follow The Sopranos,...
Kevin Licht Sep 10, 2013
Although Merlin has finished after just five short seasons, there is no doubt that it has left a lasting impact on audiences...
Catherine Sweeney Sep 3, 2013
Hollywood loves a political film; from Wag the Dog and Dr. Strangelove to today’s modern blockbusters such as Steven Spielberg’s...
Thomas Currington Aug 24, 2013
From the late sixteenth century to the closure of theatres in 1642, an extraordinary amount of brilliant plays were written...
Joseph Brennan Aug 23, 2013
At last it is upon us. The final season of Breaking Bad will soon begin and we will have to say goodbye...
Catherine Sweeney Jul 30, 2013
In two seasons, Girls has established itself as a cracking and thought-provoking show. Smart, sensitive, and realistic - the show has...
Thomas Munday Jul 22, 2013