Supernatural [2005-] is an American television series created by Eric Kripke. With eight seasons and over 150 episodes under its belt,...
Beth Callow Jul 19, 2013
Whenever I want to pass the time, I often go on YouTube and watch auditions for the television series The X...
Jon Lisi Jun 22, 2013
Warning: Spoilers ahead! If you are not a Dexter fan and have not seen the previous seven seasons or do...
Matthew Sims Jun 16, 2013
The breakthrough French drama The Returned (Les Revenants in its native broadcast) has garnered widespread critical acclaim since it first...
Jamie Walsh Jun 15, 2013
Cinema as a medium has existed since the late 1800s. As Miriam Hansen reminds us in Babel and Babylon, mass...
Jon Lisi Jun 15, 2013
In the summer of 2012, BBC America premiered their show Copper, which was seen by over 1 million viewers on its...
Austin Bender Jun 13, 2013
As summer approaches New England, I am reminded of the nights I spent as a teenager driving around aimlessly with...
Jon Lisi Jun 8, 2013
“I am not in danger, Skylar,” AMC's Breaking Bad's infamous main character Walter White seethes at his wife, “I am...
Gitana Duka Jun 7, 2013
If you've been on the Internet at all in the last 24 hours, you've probably heard how last week Game of...
Phil Melanson Jun 5, 2013
Unlike The Hangover franchise that has graced our screens since 2009, and any of the drunken ragtag college comedies such...
Kahlia Sankey Jun 1, 2013