For those who grew up in the 1990s with an interest in the supernatural, The X-Files provided an outlet for...
M. L. Flood Mar 30, 2020
Since the release of Akira in 1988, anime has been steadily gathering a worldwide fanbase. The United States has adopted...
animerose Mar 23, 2020
Among all the social justices, the fight for gender equality is the one that speaks the loudest. With the rise...
Amelia Arrows Feb 14, 2020
Rachel Bloom's hit show 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' has garnered a modest cult following since its premiere in 2015 to its end...
Ruby Ellam Feb 7, 2020
Feminism has become fashionable. In Hollywood, women are becoming more visible as they are given more diverse and leading roles....
peterzt Feb 4, 2020
When most of us hear the term "princess," a certain image comes to mind. Most of that image has to...
Stephanie M. Jan 31, 2020
Senior citizens are the cornerstones of most societies. They are our forefathers and foremothers, our troves of lived experience, and...
Stephanie M. Nov 26, 2019
Between 1938 and 1945, Adolf Hitler authorized the extermination of about 11 million people, six million Jews and five million...
Stephanie M. Nov 15, 2019
Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda's award-winning Monstress (2015 to present) from Image Comics has received rave reviews from critics and...
kpfong83 Oct 25, 2019
In real life and fiction, food brings people together like almost nothing else. Eating is rarely the simple act of...
Stephanie M. Oct 21, 2019