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Overshooting the Storyline

There have been several productions of the same genre or universe in the past years. Be it superhero movies, the stretched out story of the Hobbit, or the current bombardment of Star Wars films. When does a genre or a story overstep its zenith? How do the financial aspects of the film industry interfere with storytelling (profit vs quality)? What are some of the counterexamples? What makes a franchise become successful in the long run?

  • There was a brief plague of two part finales: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight, Divergent. I have to say that having not read any Harry Potter books, watching one of the films felt rushed to me and that there were bits that were underdeveloped or could have been opened up and I would have enjoyed the extra time spent on them. But then the film serves a different purpose to the book. – jackanapes 8 years ago
  • Here is an interesting infographic from Forbes on the highest grossing film franchises. – Hyacinth 8 years ago
  • This might be simplistic, but I think a storyline overshoots when you end up with 3- to 6-hour films covering just one part of the story (i.e., Breaking Dawn, Deathly Hallows). Unless you're a diehard fan--and if you are, that's absolutely fine--you're probably not going to want to sit through that. Case in point: I like LOTR, but I won't sit through the movies because they're so freaking long. – Stephanie M. 8 years ago