(Be warned that this article focuses on fanservice and use of sexual education within the topic of discussion. Viewers disgression is...
Kevin Mohammed Apr 30, 2016
Undertale is a role-playing game taking place in the Underground, a realm monsters settled after being banished from the surface of Earth...
washo Mar 25, 2016
What must be kept in mind when taking up the 1831 introduction to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is Shelley’s willingness to...
Travis McKinney Jan 10, 2016
From Disney's first princess film in 1937 to its latest in 2013, there is no denying that the Disney Princess has...
Laura Jones Nov 28, 2015
Harper Lee’s classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird centers on a young girl named Jean Louise “Scout” Finch. Her father...
Amanda Dominguez-Chio Feb 26, 2015
The 1950s nuclear family emerged in the post WWII era, as Americans faced the imminent threat of destruction from their...
bzukovich657 Oct 18, 2014
Following the success of his debut novel, Jeffrey Eugenides wrote Middlesex, a story centered on Calliope Stephanides, chronicling the lives...
Amanda Dominguez-Chio Sep 23, 2014
A common term used in anime when classifying genres is ‘gender-bender’, which generally refers to a person whose biological sex...
Justin May 5, 2014
Growing up, Cinderella was a classic. I can't tell you how frequently I watched the Disney movie as a child,...
Elaina Chastain Apr 10, 2014
More and more often in film, TV, and literature we are seeing sexual orientation portrayed as being a spectrum instead...
souers Feb 28, 2014