A little over a year ago, the Harry Potter fandom received enough news to send it into a frenzy, the...
Adnan Bey Jun 21, 2015
This article is based on the books, not the films. It is estimated that “120 million people have read at least...
Katie Brown Feb 24, 2015
Remember when Hollywood used to release movies such as The Ten Commandments which ran for around four hours and had...
Seth Childers Jan 12, 2015
The 31st of October is now behind us, but for all of you Halloween fans, do not fear! There is...
REBGuest Nov 7, 2014
Fair warning: If you are reading this article, it will be assumed that you have read the series or at...
Adnan Bey Jul 9, 2014
People dressed up as their favorite fictional characters camping in front of book stores, ready to buy the shelves empty...
Mette Marie Kowalski Apr 30, 2014
Though it may seem hard to believe, the idea that a story's artistic responsibility -- as well as credit for...
H. M. Bradford Mar 5, 2014
Harry Potter well and truly put J.K. Rowling's name on the literary map and initiated her into the literary history...
Abby Wilson Oct 5, 2013
The score of a film is one of the most important components of its build. It is something that can...
Zach Dennis Feb 11, 2013