Compare the two fictional characters by contrasting character development for each. Also, shed light on how similarly crucial each character's narrative is to the overarching narrative.
Can you offer more context? Comparison in what manner? Also, most people are familiar with Snape and his character - but perhaps not so much with Itachi. – Karen7 years ago
@Karen This would be fitting as a revision to this topic. =) – Misagh7 years ago
I didn't want the topic to be restrictive. But I am sure the concept of sacrifice should figure in the comparison... Anyone who is familiar with both characters should be tempted to write about the parallels between them--I think. – purplelight717 years ago
My revision was marked as fixed, however your summary is the same as before. Please add more context to your topic. – Pamela Maria Schmidt7 years ago
Oh I apologize I thought 'fixed' was like pin this comment here! I'm new here :( – purplelight717 years ago
Why is this side by side comparison important to explore? They may well be very similar, but the similarities between morally gray characters in two unrelated (albeit popular) franchises isn't necessarily a relevant topic. You can write a paper comparing any two things and even make a successful argument about it, but there should be a good reason to make the comparison in the first place. So why is it worth while to contrast and compare these guys? – TheCropsey7 years ago
One thing that joins these two characters is how much the fandom loves them and forgives them after hearing about their true motives despite the fact that they both did horrible things. You can examine how Rowling and Kishimoto managed to make them fan favourites to the point where some fans don't care that they were presented as horrible people for the majority of the series. – tmtonji7 years ago
purplelight71 no worries! – Pamela Maria7 years ago