The death of an important fictional character, whether it be in a movie, an anime, or a book, will almost...
Dominic Sceski Sep 30, 2015
Full Metal Alchemist is one of the most acclaimed anime and manga franchises of recent years. One reason for this...
Joe Manduke Jun 7, 2015
Noah, a 2014 film by Darren Aronofsky, is a modern representation of an ancient story - the story of the biblical Noah....
aileenmaeryan Mar 8, 2015
Shingeki no Kyojin (SnK) or Attack on Titan is a Japanese anime TV series whose popularity rose exponentially within a...
Maysam Al-Ani Nov 4, 2014
Seeing is believing. I was blind but now I see. The physical sensation of seeing has a long established association...
hetta Oct 7, 2014
As humans, we initially find ourselves restricted to the domain of the medium-sized world. Here, our senses enable us to...
Danny Cox May 20, 2014
Before plunging into my analysis/comparison of Dr. Faustus and Death Note, the following is to briefly establish the premises and...
CriticalOtaku Apr 12, 2014
Let's take a moment to talk about God. Don't worry – no pamphlets or early morning doorstep visits. Let's discuss...
Max Lin Apr 8, 2014