Max Lin

Max Lin

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    Max Lin

    This is a great resource for determining whether or not a movie was filmed in 3D:

    The Relationship Between 3D Technology and a Film’s Success
    Max Lin

    Just watched the Season 4 premiere and want you to know that you can expect great things from Arya Stark.

    Game of Thrones: 5 Burning Questions And Predictions For Season 4
    Max Lin

    If you’re in the U.S., then lucky for you – it’s all of them! 🙂

    God in the Whedonverse: Faith, Hope, and Truth
    Max Lin

    “Blackfish” was quite an emotional watching experience and really eye-opening. I’ll be sure to check out these other ones! “Waiting for Superman” has been on my list for some time.

    Five of the Most Influential Sociopolitical Documentaries of the Past Five Years
    Max Lin

    Both are excellent shows! Dollhouse was definitely cancelled too soon, although I love how the writers stomped on the pedal for Season 2’s plotlines as a result. Shameless self-promotion time. I happen to have written an article on these two shows a while back:

    God in the Whedonverse: Faith, Hope, and Truth
    Max Lin

    Same here! Whenever I see Joss’ name or Tim Minear’s on the writing credits for an Angel episode, I get excited.

    God in the Whedonverse: Faith, Hope, and Truth
    Max Lin

    Buffy definitely made waves for TV shows in terms of Big Bads and seasonal arcs, so I’m not surprised even though I’ve never seen Smallville. You can see Buffy’s influence in shows like the new Doctor Who and Supernatural. By the way, do you happen to watch Arrow?

    God in the Whedonverse: Faith, Hope, and Truth
    Max Lin

    Something about catching a show/movie you love on air is magical, even when you have it on DVD/Netflix.

    God in the Whedonverse: Faith, Hope, and Truth