The dragon is one of the most recognizable figures in literature. It has appeared in Greek myths, Norse sagas, medieval...
OkaNaimo0819 Oct 30, 2020
Thus Gollum invites Bilbo Baggins to the iconic game of riddles in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. A fan favourite for...
Carmen Jun 22, 2020
In addition to being the popular and celebrated creator of Middle-Earth, J. R. R. Tolkien was a renowned scholar in...
Stephen Matthias Jan 12, 2016
Once upon a time, in a world without diverse colour palettes, without Sony's Playstation or WASD controls, there existed the...
IRBurnett Nov 12, 2015
It has now been roughly six months since The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies and twelve years since The...
Jamie White Jun 19, 2015
Remember when Hollywood used to release movies such as The Ten Commandments which ran for around four hours and had...
Seth Childers Jan 12, 2015
Though it may seem hard to believe, the idea that a story's artistic responsibility -- as well as credit for...
H. M. Bradford Mar 5, 2014
It's a fascinating feat for a movie to be truly forgettable. It's easy to have memories of movies you love or...
Vic Millar Dec 31, 2013
It's far too easy for a 21st century filmmaker to overdose on technology. From James Cameron's three-dimensional escapades to Robert...
Jack Stevens Dec 23, 2012
If you scan the recently announced Golden Globe nominations, you will not find a single nomination for the prequel to...
J. Bryan Jones Dec 15, 2012