For nearly sixty years, or the length of time that the disciplines concerned with artificial intelligence first emerged, popular culture...
CDK May 24, 2014
We all love, at some primitive level, to be told that we are wrong and, in turn, be manipulated into...
Matthew Sims May 21, 2014
In his novel Living a Life that Matters, Rabbi Harold Kushner devotes an entire chapter to the concept of supporting...
****** Apr 28, 2014
When Prometheus was released in the summer of 2012 fans and critics had high hopes for what this film would...
Brandon Stark Apr 6, 2014
Two of comic's greatest heroes are clashing in 2016. When the tentatively-titled film, Batman Vs. Superman was announced, it brought an...
David Mancini Mar 29, 2014
Brave New World covers a range of themes and issues that have been pertinent to moral society since it was...
Spencer Mar 28, 2014
Since the birth of cinema, propagandists have hidden behind the mask of producers, realising the potential of film as a...
Emily Lighezzolo Mar 27, 2014
In 2015, we will be reunited with the galaxy everyone knows and loves, with J.J. Abrams leading the charge into...
David Mancini Mar 20, 2014
Pacific Rim, the pet project of Guillermo del Toro , released this past summer, has already been green lit for...
Lauren Gabourel Mar 13, 2014
Earlier this week, news came out that David Mazouz of Fox's short-lived series 'The Touch' will play young Bruce Wayne...
Jonathan Matos Mar 9, 2014