
What is education?

We all know that education is really important, getting that high diploma, waiting for your name to be called and walking across that stage in front of family and friends and the next big step is college, that is what everyone expects you to do after high school. It seems more like guilt and frustration is apart of it too but do you guys think education is really important. Do you guys think its a pathway that will help us in the long run or just short term like college?

  • Since "education" here obviously refers to receiving a college degree (at least one), then maybe the focus is "How far can you go with just a high school degree?" which, I think, is what this proposed topic is aiming at. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago
  • I think your topic has potential. What I would do is focus on the future of education. Today’s teachers have to educate students for jobs that are not known to exist right now. Comment on the a brief history, constant and present change and then the unknown future possibilities. This would be a great topics and if approved, I might grab it! – Munjeera 6 years ago
  • This is definitely a good starter topic, and I agree with it. I would potentially reword it to take away the larger question, and focus onto one main question. – JTubb75 6 years ago
  • I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the craft of writing, which is what this category is for. – Andi 5 years ago

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