
Which stories could Marvel bring to the screen next?

A speculative think piece, could be based partly on the trend for gritty TV shows (Daredevil, Jessica Jones) as well as big blockbuster hits. Also the surprise hit with little known Guardians of the Galaxy. Could be fun to think on possible filming and casting choices too!

  • This is a very interesting topic! Could you please elaborate more on the thesis a little more? It's a bit vague. Would this concern the comic books, as well? Would it be a comparison of T.V. series vs. movie franchise? Also, your comment about Guardians of the Galaxy is a bit confusing, what do you mean by "surprise hit"? Please develop this thought a little more. Otherwise, good ideas! – Megan Finsel 9 years ago
  • I think what makes Guardians of the Galaxy interesting is that it originated as a little-known comic and yet has been a really popular film, sorry I did not make that as explicit as I should have done. The overall idea is to use comics as source material and imagine whether they will / how they could be brought to the screen (this could be film or TV). – Camille Brouard 9 years ago
  • They can bring ANYTHING they want to the screen! – IanB58 9 years ago
  • I love this topic! It could work for TV shows, but since Marvel has literally every film from phase three already announced and basically ready to go -- this could be cool to think about phase four and what comics they could bring to the screen after these ones have concluded. – scole 9 years ago
  • Yes, agreed there! – Camille Brouard 9 years ago

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