
Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    Professionals Using Crowdfunding

    I’d like to see a topic on how and why celebrities and professional producers who have many more funding avenues available to them than amateurs still resort to using crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter to fund high profile projects

    • I would imagine some famous people would prefer Crowdfunding because 1. it's easy to get money when you're already well known and 2. their creative vision won't be censored or shaped by whatever big film company would have funded them. This article should also look into the Veronica Mars case study though. The time skip movie after the show ended was offered up by the actors on kickstarter for fans to fund to help them make; however, the project got so popular the movie idea was bought out by a film company to produce when it had previously been rejected. How did the backers feel? Did they get ripped of in any way? – Slaidey 9 years ago

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    Part of the appeal of Harley is that she sprung forth so fully-formed from the page to the screen by transferring Arleen Sorkin’s harlequin character from ‘Days of Our Lives’ to the Batman animated series.

    Why We Love Harley Quinn: Dissecting the Nature of DC’s Most Complicated Woman

    In theory stop motion could be done with CGI models. Doesn’t seem much point to it when you can key frame animate – but theoretically it is possible, so the lines between cell, stop, and CGI are really getting blurry.

    Understanding the Art of Stop Motion

    The thing that made this film seem empty was that for the whole movie I just wanted to see Riggan do something to show that he may be just a man, but that in his own way he was more heroic (or at least as heroic) as the over-the-top Birdman character. The gun onstage scene would have been perfect for this. It could have been a modern day update of Hero At Large, but instead it felt like a missed opportunity to make something with deeper meaning.

    Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance): Deep Longing and Superheroes