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    The Internet and Netflix: Every Canceled Shows' Last Hope

    For awhile now, Netflix has been known to not only feature its own programming, but now the streaming service has offered to revive shows that have been canceled on primetime and cable television. However, other services such as Amazon, Hulu, and now Yahoo, are not only creating their own shows but also offering to save others. Perfect examples include "The Mindy Project" that was saved by Hulu, "Community" which was saved by Yahoo, and now "Degrassi: Next Class" which will find a new home on Netflix. Does this mean every cancelled show now has a second choice? Why are these shows being saved rather than others? What's the criteria? And based on that, what currently axed shows may see a revival?

    • I guess now we just have to wait for Firefly: The Next Generation, LOL. In all seriousness, my biggest problem with Netflix is how it hooks people into shows that have already been cancelled. I think that's another route to discuss. I have discovered shows that only lasted a season, but thanks to Netflix I watch all 22 episodes in a week and then go on the longest depression, until I find the next new show. This upsets me greatly. – sfg315 10 years ago
    • A million people raise their hands in the air and share their energy with Joss Whedon in the hope that Firefly might be revived. I believe Netflix revives shows based on a mixture of critical acclaim. They're not out, necessarily, to get the biggest audience, and they don't have to base their economic plan on weekly views. With everything being accessible at once, rather than having to compete with alternate channels they can simply watch as the view count increases, perhaps slowly, but steadily no-less. – therevolution 10 years ago
    • I find the strategy of Netflix of introducing shows instead of just films to be quite brilliant. Not only do people sign up for Netflix subscriptions so they can watch the show they've been hearing so much about or pick up their fav show that was cancelled by network television, but they stay subscribed because Netflix helpfully and strategically points out other shows you might be interested in based on your interest in such and such...Before you know it, people are hooked on another new show and continue their Netflix subscription so they can watch a new show while they wait for the next season of their old fav to be released. Now Netflix is playing the nostalgia card by bringing back old school favs such as Full House with their upcoming Fuller House, including the original cast. I am curious to see if other re-boots are in the works as well. – Storme 10 years ago
    • It may also be worth discussing the different episode release schedule (i.e releasing an entire seasons worth of episodes at once as opposed to releasing them one at a time on a specified airdate), how this changes how viewers watch and appreciate the show, and what cancelled shows may be most suitable for this format. – Inkstone 10 years ago

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    I loved all these movies, and was quite surprised learning after they weren’t by Disney. I wish these films were more known so Disney doesn’t take all the credit in this genre.

    Five Animated Musicals That Are Not Disney

    If a movie can leave me in tears, then something right is being done. I’ve come to expect being moved emotionally now by Pixar, but no one would expect it at first when Toys Story came out. Ever since then, I feel like my heart is ripped out whenever a death or sad theme occurs. Great animation and a great story is what Pixar is the best at.

    10 Mature Moments in a Pixar Film

    I loved this anime. I liked how it started off as a crime of the week type show, then focused on a bigger plot. I was torn about whether I agreed with this crime system or not. Like in minority report, they ultimately were able to stop majority of crimes. But, again like in minority report, there are flaws. The future can change, people’s motivations can change, and, their psycho-pass can change. That wasn’t taken into consideration or just was covered up so people accept this system without overthinking it. As long as majority of people could live in safety, why question it? I thought the whole series was very though-provoking, and I love psychological anime.

    Psycho-Pass: The Ethics of an "Ideal" Society

    When I was young and I watched Pokemon, I had no idea it was an anime or what anime even was. I would watch Naruto and Bleach on Cartoon Network and thought the style of animation and drawing was different in a good way. I can’t remember how I began to watch other anime, but I know I just began to search for anime that had a plot that coincided with my interests.

    I like comedy and I like romance, so watching Ouran Highschool Host Club was enjoyable. From there, I jumped to Fruits Baskets that was romantic somewhat and funny, but also was really touching.

    I think finding an anime in a genre you like for any kind of show is a good way to start. It’s especially easier watching an anime that’s 12 to 24 episodes long, better than something that’s 200 eps long already because that can be intimidating. I began rewatching Bleach and honestly, stopped after episode 70. It’s good, that’s not the problem, but just too long.

    Now having watched anime for so many years, I’ve really expanded on my taste. Attack on Titan is a good start for someone new to anime because it has such shock factor that you can’t stop after one episode. You get so into the story with some anime you forget it’s a Japanese animation and that you can’t even understand what is going on without reading subtitles. I believe you aren’t really into anime until you’re no longer bothered by subtitles. The story is so good, you don’t mind reading, just look a good book.

    My recommended start list is pretty mainstream, ultimately. I would say:

    Attack on Titan
    Ouran Highschool Host Club
    Fruits Basket
    Death Note (didn’t enjoy much but, it helped me get into more psychological anime, such as Psycho Pass)
    Any Studio Ghibli film, such as Spirited Away or Castle in the Sky.

    Basically, my list is straight out of a Cartoon Network lineup from years ago. It was where I started my love of anime so, I’m sure it would help others get into it as well.

    Anime for Dummies: What Starters Should Watch